Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Journal of Governance and Public Policy (JGPP) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic journal. Our reviewers come from a range of social science disciplines and countries across five continents, ensuring the rigour and accuracy of analyses that draw on national, regional and global contexts. Our aim is to advance knowledge in the field of governance and public policy by publishing timely and original articles that address relevant and critical issues in theory and practice. Research on governance and public policy has emerged at the forefront of a significant shift in the social sciences. JGPP welcomes original work and literature reviews that present new models and paradigms from a governance and public policy perspective. JGPP addresses cross-cutting issues, including important new studies on governance at local, national and global levels, and explores public policy in various aspects, including political, economic, socio-cultural, and health. Each article we publish is intended to be relevant across national boundaries, addressing issues common to many societies. Articles representing perspectives from the Global South and Islamic societies are particularly welcome.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

For manuscript publication consideration, the Journal of Governance and Public Policy employs a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Both reviewer and author identities are concealed throughout the review to uphold standards of academic rigor. This process typically takes 15 weeks, with final publication timelines dependent on the review duration by the designated editors.

Manuscript Review Process:

The Journal of Governance and Public Policy employs a rigorous, multi-stage peer-review process outlined below:

  1. Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the journal website: https://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/GPP/index.
  2. Initial screening: Editors conduct an initial screening to ensure manuscripts comply with author guidelines, formatting requirements, and scope suitability. Manuscripts meeting these criteria proceed to the next stage; those not compliant may be returned for revisions or recommended for submission to other journals. Additionally, all manuscripts undergo a plagiarism check using Turnitin. Manuscripts exceeding a 15% similarity index are subject to rejection.
  3. Peer Review: Qualified manuscripts are assigned to subject-matter experts for double-blind peer review. Authors receive notification of the review outcome ("Accepted," "Revision Required," "Re-submit for Review," or "Rejected") alongside reviewer comments.
  4. Revision and Resubmission: Authors have three weeks to address reviewer feedback and resubmit revised manuscripts. Requests for additional revision time can be made to the editors via email.
  5. Final Review and Acceptance: Revised manuscripts are re-evaluated by reviewers. Upon reviewer satisfaction, authors receive notification of final acceptance.
  6. Publishing Process: Accepted manuscripts undergo layout formatting by the section editor within 30 days. Authors are granted three days to confirm the layout and request minor adjustments.
  7. Publication: Following final author confirmation, the article is scheduled for publication.

There are four types of editorial decisions during the peer review process, which are:
Decline submission I Resubmit for review I Revision RequiredAccepted

Decline submission

Manuscripts found to not meet the journal's editorial standards after peer review will not be eligible for further consideration.

Resubmit for Review

While the current manuscript requires significant revision and does not currently meet the publication standards of the Journal of Governance and Public Policy, the reviewers recognize potential in the work. Therefore, authors are invited to submit a revised manuscript as a new submission. However, concerns regarding the manuscript's suitability for publication will remain until the editors are satisfied that the revised version aligns with the scope and rigor expected by the journal. Where possible, the resubmitted manuscript will be assigned to the original associate editor.

Revision Required

Following peer review and editorial assessment, the manuscript requires substantial revisions before a final publication decision can be made. Authors are invited to carefully consider the reviewers' and editors' comments and submit a revised manuscript for further consideration within two weeks of receiving the review notification. A detailed point-by-point response addressing each comment must accompany the revised manuscript. The revised version may be subject to further peer review, and additional rounds of revision may be requested. Ultimately, the final acceptance decision rests with the editors, and manuscripts deemed not sufficiently improved through revision will not be considered for publication in the Journal of Governance and Public Policy.


Following review and editorial evaluation, the manuscript has been accepted for publication contingent upon the successful completion of minor revisions. These revisions may encompass copyediting adjustments and specific amendments to ensure the manuscript aligns seamlessly with the journal's established criteria. Upon satisfactory completion of these revisions and final verification by the editorial office, formal acceptance will be confirmed, and the manuscript will be progressed to the publishers for inclusion in a forthcoming issue.


Publication Frequency

Journal of Governance and Public Policy will publish three times (in three issues) a year: February, June and October.


Open Access Policy

Journal of Governance and Public Policy provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Article Processing Charges

Journal of Governance and Public Policy is a journal publication that is not oriented to profit. Therefore, for the publication process, JGPP regarding certain costs, namely:

  1. The cost of article submission IDR 0, - (USD 0.-)
  2. Processing Fees for the publication of articles received IDR 2.500.000,- (USD 170.-)


Publication Ethics

Journal of Governance and Public Policy (JGPP) is a peer-reviewed journal published three times a year by the Magister of Government Affairs and Administration, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is accessible both online as an open-access publication and in print. The ethical standards governing the publication process of articles in the journal are outlined below, covering all parties involved: authors, editor-in-chief, editorial board, reviewers, and publisher. These standards are based on Elsevier's Publishing Ethics and COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.


Reporting Standards

Authors of original research reports must provide an accurate account of their work and an objective discussion of its significance. Data should be accurately represented, and the paper should include sufficient detail and references for replication. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unethical and unacceptable.

Data Access and Retention

Authors may be requested to provide raw data for editorial review and should be ready to do so within a reasonable timeframe.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors must ensure that their works are entirely original. If they have used the work or words of others, appropriate citations or quotations should be included.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Authors should not publish manuscripts that describe essentially the same research in more than one journal or primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously is unethical and unacceptable.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Proper acknowledgment of others' work is essential. Authors should cite publications that have significantly influenced the nature of their reported research.

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship should be limited to individuals who have made significant contributions to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All significant contributors should be listed as co-authors. Those who have participated in substantive aspects of the research should be acknowledged as contributors. The corresponding author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included, that no inappropriate co-authors are listed, and that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the paper and agreed to its submission for publication.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

All authors are required to disclose any financial or other substantive conflicts of interest in their manuscript that could potentially influence the results or interpretation. Additionally, all sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works

When an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their responsibility to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with them to retract or correct the paper.

Hazards and Human or Animal Subjects

If the research includes chemicals, procedures, or equipment that pose unusual hazards during their use, the author must clearly specify these in the manuscript.


Fair Play

Editors evaluate manuscripts based solely on their intellectual content, regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.


The editor and editorial staff are prohibited from disclosing any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as deemed necessary.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be utilized in an editor's own research without obtaining the express written consent of the author.

Publication Decisions

The editorial board of the journal is responsible for determining the publication of submitted articles. Decisions are based on the validation and significance of the work to researchers and readers. Editors adhere to the policies established by the journal's editorial board and comply with legal requirements, such as those pertaining to libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Collaboration with other editors or reviewers may inform these decisions.

Review of Manuscripts

The editor must ensure that each manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation for originality. They should organize and implement peer review fairly and judiciously. Editors are responsible for clearly outlining their peer review processes in the author guidelines and specifying which sections of the journal undergo peer review. It is important that editors select peer reviewers who possess adequate expertise and avoid individuals with conflicts of interest when considering papers for publication.



Contribution to Editorial Decisions

Peer review aids the editor in making editorial decisions and can also help authors improve their papers through editorial communications.


Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript, or knows that conducting a prompt review will be impossible, should promptly notify the editor and decline the review assignment.

Standards of Objectivity

Reviews should be conducted objectively, and personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should clearly express their views with supporting arguments.


Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They should not be shared or discussed with others except as authorized by the editor.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Reviewers should decline to consider manuscripts where they have conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any assertion that an observation, derivation, or argument has been previously reported must be accompanied by the appropriate citation. Reviewers should also bring to the editor's attention any significant similarity or overlap between the manuscript under review and any other published paper within their personal knowledge.



R-W-C-R-R Policy


Journal of Governance and Public Policy, we have a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the academic record, so there are times when there is a need to retract articles. An article would be retracted for the following reasons:

  • If there are major scientific errors, that will invalidate the article conclusion. An example is when there is evidence that that the findings in the article is unreliable either due to an honest error – a miscalculation or experimental error or as a result of misconduct – data fabrication.
  • If the research and resulting findings have already been posted elsewhere without appropriate cross-referencing, justification, or permission – the case of a redundant publication.
  • If there are plagiarism issues – the use of the words used in another publication without giving credit – or inappropriate authorship.

To make sure that retractions are handled to the best practice of publications, and also in accordance with COPE retraction guidelines, Journal of Governance and Public Policy make use of the following retraction process:

  • Any article which requires potential retraction should be brought to the notice of the journal editor.
  • Once this is done, the journal editor would follow the guidelines according to the COPE flow chat – this includes the evaluations of the answers given by the author of the article t certain questions.
  • The editor's findings are then sent over to the Ethics Advisory Board before any action can be taken. This step is put in place to ensure a consistent approach to these situations in accordance with the best practices of the industry.
  • The decision on whether or not the publication is going to be retracted or not is communicated to the author and other relevant bodies such as the Author's institution if necessary.
  • When all this is concluded, a retraction statement is posted online and then published in the next available issue of the journal – we are going to be giving detailed information on this step as we move on.

Note: if the author retains copyright for an article, this does not qualify them for the right to retract it after publication. The integrity of the public scientific record is important, and COPE's Retraction Guidelines still apply in such cases.


It is not in the jurisdiction of an author to withdraw a submitted manuscript. This is because referees, editors, and publishers have spent a lot of time editing and processing the submitted manuscript leaving the sudden retraction a waste of valuable resources. Before an author submits a manuscript, through our OJS, the author is required to provide the following checklist:

  • If the authors request the withdrawal of their manuscript when the manuscript is still in the peer-reviewing process, the authors would be banned to submit their manuscript to JGPP one year after the withdrawal date.
  • If the manuscript's withdrawal after the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors would be banned to submit their manuscript to JGPP two years after the withdrawal date.
  • The authors who do not submit revised manuscripts after the manuscript is "accepted" to publish either with minor or major revision and does not make a confirmation for a long period of time, the editor may punish that the authors have made a withdrawal after the manuscript is accepted.


Issuing a correction is considered by Journal of Governance and Public Policy if the following happens:

  • A small section of a reliable publication reports flawed data, which misleads due to an honest error.
  • The Contributor list or Author is incorrect (e.g., a deserving author has been omitted, and likewise, a person who is not worthy of authorship criteria has been included.

Corrections to peer-reviewed content fall into one of these three categories:

  • Publisher correction (erratum): this helps to notify readers of a major error made by a publishing staff that negatively impacts a publication record or the scientific veracity of the article, or the reputation of the Journal or authors.
  • Author correction (corrigendum): this also helps to notify a reader of an error made by an author, which negatively impacts the scientific integrity of a publication record or the reputation of the author of the journal.
  • Addendum: this is where there is an addition to the article by the author to explain inconsistencies and expand the existing work or explain or update the information in the main work.

Deciding whether a correction should be issued is made by the editor of a journal, and this sometimes comes with advice from Reviewers or Editorial Board Members. Handling Editors would contact the Authors of the concerned paper with a clarification request, but the final decision on a correction is required, and if so, which type rests on the editors.


There might be a need to remove a published article from an online platform in a limited number of cases. This would only occur if an article is defamatory or infringes the legal rights of others, or we have good reason to believe that the publication would cause certain court orders. In such situations, while the metadata of the article will be retained, the text would be will be replaced with another screen, which points out that the article has been removed to prevent any legal complications.


At a point, an author of an original paper may wish to remove or retract the flawed original and replace it with another corrected version. Under these circumstances, the retraction procedure would be followed, with the difference stating that the article retraction notice would contain a link to the – corrected – re-published article alongside the history of the document.


Plagiarism Notice

Every manuscript submitted into Journal of Governance and Public Policy is going to be scanned using Turnitin (similarity check)The score check result should be no more than 15%. In the case of a manuscript, the similarity is more than 15%, the manuscript would be rejected by Journal of Governance and Public Policy editor in chief in desk evaluation step.


Reference Manager Usage

The manuscript that is registered must use the manager's reference application: Mendeley or Zotero.