
Call for Submission


We invite colleagues and researchers of international studies to write at Journal of Islamic World and Politics Manuscript is written in size 12 Times New Roman (TNR), space 1.5 on A4 size paper with a side space of 3.5 cm from the left side, 3 cm from the right edge, 3 cm from the top and bottom edges. The number of pages is 12-20 pages (4000-6000 words), including bibliography and tables.

Announcement: JIWP has used OJS 3

The Journal of Islamic World and Politics has used OJS 3 as a whole for the online journal management process. The previous website that still uses OJS 2 is no longer used to process editorial manuscripts, but is only used as a reference for older editions (2017 - 2022). Manuscript submission can be made online via the OJS 3 website in accordance with the provisions.  
Posted: 2022-11-30 More...

Fee of Charge


The article sent to the Journal of Islamic World And Politics (JIWP) is Processing Fees for the publication of articles accepted IDR 500.000,- and using  full in English manuscript.

Posted: 2018-09-29 More...
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