
The preliminary finding of this research is the contradiction between Islamic law and human rights caused by philosophy and tendancy of law. Islamic law is based on revelation, meanwhile the human rights on human experience. Islamic law emphasizes to the collective protection aspect, but the human rights concern to oneself interest. Islamic Criminal Law is not only to protrude its sanction aspect, but also to see the positive’s that’s social benefit. Law sanction is thought about as the efforts to fulfill three things: dettrence, retribution, and education. Islamic Criminal Law, “It had better to sacrifice one or two persons, in order the anothers feel afraid to do the action. So, in fact, the principal of Islamic criminal law is not to revenge, but it’s for the benefit in arranging the human rights based on The God’s regulation and Constitution’s meant for humans benefit (collective protection). The above research found to respond the main problem of law punishmen of Islamic criminal according to the perspective of human rights. This research makes up normative and sociology’s. The normative law research method is used to research the fundamental ideas of Islamic criminal sanction and the research method of sociology law used to reveal the soul aspect in implementing the law.


Law sanction; Islamic Criminal Law; Human Rights; Dead Punishment


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