A Change in the Indeks of Retained Strength in the AC-WC Mixture with the Additional Waste Rubber from Used Tires (Crumb Rubber)

Kurniawan Hidayat, Tantin Pristyawati, Hendramawat Aski Safarizki


Pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. Konsekuensi dari pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor tersebut adalah meningkatnya produksi ban kendaraan bermotor yang mengakibatkan menumpuknya limbah ban bekas. Salah satu inovasi untuk mengurangi limbah karet ban bekas adalah dengan memanfaatkannya dalam campuran aspal. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan indeks kekuatan sisa pada campuran Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Coarse (AC-WC), merupakan lapis perkerasan yang terletak paling atas yang berfungsi sebagai lapisan keausan dengan penambahan limbah karet ban bekas (crumb rubber) yang memenuhi Spesifikasi Bina Marga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan limbah ban karet berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik marshall yaitu nilai berat jenis, berat jenis, Voids Filled With Asphalt (VFA), dan stabilitas tertinggi berada pada taraf 1%, sedangkan nilai Voids in Mix (VIM), Void in Mineral Agregate (VMA), dan flow tertinggi. berada pada level 9%. Dari uji index of retaining strength menunjukkan bahwa air berpengaruh terhadap keawetan campuran AC-WC, dibuktikan dengan nilai tertinggi pada lama perendaman selama 24 jam dengan konsentrasi 1% yang semakin menurun dengan bertambahnya lama waktu. dari perendaman. Penambahan limbah karet ban bekas (crumb rubber) ke dalam campuran AC-WC telah memenuhi Spesifikasi Bina Marga pada uji karakteristik Marshall, namun perubahan indeks kekuatan retensi hanya pada lama perendaman 24 jam, sedangkan untuk jangka waktu lain tidak sesuai dengan Spesifikasi Bina Marga.


The growth of the number of motorized vehicles in Indonesia every year always increases. The consequence of the growth in the number of motorized vehicles is the increasing production of motorized vehicle tires which results in the accumulation of used tire waste. One of the innovations to reduce the waste of used tire rubber is to use it in asphalt mixtures. The study was conducted to determine the change in the index of retained strength in the Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Coarse (AC-WC), is the top layer of pavement which functions as the wear layer,  mixture with the addition of waste rubber from used tires (crumb rubber) meeting the Bina Marga Specifications. The results showed that the addition of waste rubber tires affected the marshall characteristics, namely, the highest specific gravity, density, Voids Filled With Asphalt (VFA), and stability values were at a level of 1%, while the highest values of Voids in Mix (VIM), Void in Mineral Agregate (VMA), and flow were at a level of 9%. From the index of retained strength test, it shows that water affects the durability of the AC-WC mixture, as evidenced by the highest value at the duration of immersion for 24 hours with a concentration of 1%, which de-creases with increasing duration of immersion. The addition of used tire rubber waste (crumb rubber) to the AC-WC mixture has met the Bina Marga Specifications on the Marshall characteristics test, but the change in the index of retained strength was only for a 24-hour immersion duration, while for other durations were not according the Bina Marga Specifications.


crumb rubber; marshall; indeks of retained strength

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jmpm.v7i1.16911


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