Rancang Bangun Mesin Aqueous Cleaning Spray untuk Otomatisasi Proses Pencucian Produk High Speed Stamping di PT. ATMI IGI

Hoedi Prasetyo, Nurhadi Kusumo Yuwono, Aloysius Avid Prabowo, Valentino Arlis Prasetya, Yehuda Laurentinus


Produkhasil permesinan high speed stamping masih mengandung kotoran dan pelumas sehingga perlu dicuci terlebih dulu sebelum diproses lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan otomatisasi proses pencucian produk high speed stamping di PT. ATMI IGI melalui rancang bangun mesin cuci berteknologi aqueous cleaning spray. Mesin memiliki dari 5 tahap proses yaitu Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse dan Spinning. Produk stamping dicuci secara otomatis melalui mekanisme konveyor, semprotan larutan deterjen, dan pengayak. Berdasar hasil uji coba, diketahui mesin memerlukan waktu rata-rata sebesar 34,5 detik untuk mencuci satu keranjang produk stamping. Mesin mampu mencuci 25 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan proses pencucian secara manual. Penggunaan mesin berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi tenaga kerja. Mesin pada penelitian ini masih perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses pencucian dan masa pakai penggunaan cairan pembersih.

Washing process in order to remove dirt and lubricants from the products before further processing is required in high speed stamping. This research aims to automate the high speed stamping washing process in PT. ATMI IGI by designing aqueous cleaning spray machine. The machine consists of five stages namely Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse and Spinning. The machine washes the stamping products automatically by mechanism of spraying cleaning solution, conveying, and sifting. Based on the trial results, the machine takes an average of 34.5 seconds to wash a basket of stamping products. The machine is able to wash 25 times faster than the manual wash. The machine potentially increase the productivity and labor efficiency. The machine being designed in this research still needs to be developed to improve the efficiency of the washing process and to prolong the cleaning solution lifetime.


high speed stamping; aqueous cleaning spray; otomatisasi; konveyor; inovasi proses

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jmpm.v4i1.9123


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