Hubungan Kadar Yodium Urin dengan Kejadian Anemia dan Tumbuh Kembang Remaja di Daerah Endemik GAKI Yogyakarta

Zulkhah Noor, Elga Ria Vinenza, Izza Rahmatina


Gangguan pertumbuhan fisik dan seksual serta Anemia pernisiosa masih sering dijumpai pada pasien hipotiroidisme subklinis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan kadar ekskresi iodium urin (EIU) dengan anemia dan tumbuh kembang remaja termasuk indeks massa tubuh, usia menarche dan spermarche remaja di daerah endemik GAKI di Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional, dengan desain secara cross sectional. Responden penelitian sebanyak 59 anak usia 12-16 tahun, terdiri dari 30 anak dari Lemahdadi, Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul dan 29 anak dari Karangwuluh, Temon  Kulon Progo. Kadar EIU diukur dengan metode dry digestion di BP GAKI Magelang, pengukuran darah dilakukan di Hi-Lab di Yogyakarta. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan remaja diperoleh melalui kuesioner, timbangan dan stadiometer. Data dianalisis dengan uji Mann Whitney dan uji korelasi Spearman. Kadar EIU responden termasuk kategori berlebihan dan sangat berlebihan. Persentase tertinggi BMI normal (56,25%) diperoleh pada kelompok EIU optimal. Sebaliknya, persentase IMT kurang tertinggi terdapat pada kelompok EIU berlebih (76,47%)  dan sangat berlebih (58,82%). Usia menarche dan spermarche responden adalah normal. Presentase anemia ditemukan sebanyak 33,90%. Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara tingkat EIU dengan BMI, usia menarche dan spermarche dan jenis anemia (p > 0,05).


Impaired physical growth, sexual and Pernicious anemia is frequently found in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship with the UIE levels of anemia, and growth and development of adolescents, including body mass index, menarche and spermarche of adolescent in two GAKY endemic areas in Yogyakarta. This study is an observational, cross sectional design. Respondents are 59 children aged 12-16 years, consisted of 30 children from Lemahdadi, Bangun Jiwo, Kasihan, Bantul. and 29 children from Karangwuluh, Temon, Kulon Progo. Urinary iodine levels was measured by digestion method in BP GAKY Magelang, blood measurement carried out in Hi-Lab in Yogyakarta. Adolescent growth and development obtained through a questionnaire, the scales and stadiometer. Data were analyzed with Mann Whitney test and Spearman correlation test. The level of UIE of respondents in the two areas of research were excessive and very excessive. Highest percentage of normal BMI (56.25%) obtained at optimal UIE group. In contrast, the highest percentage of less BMI present in excess UIE group (76.47%) and very excess (58.82%). Spermarche and menarche age of respondents were normal. Percentage of anemia was found as 33.90%. It can concluded that there was no relationship between the level of UIE with BMI, age of menarche and spermarche and type of anemia (p> 0.05).


ekskresi iodium urin (EIU); IMT; spermarche; anemia; urine iodine excretion (UIE); BMI;

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