Efikasi Fisioterapi terhadap Perbaikan Derajat Paresis Berdasarkan Status Ekonomi Penderita Stroke

Aniesa Muarandari, Tri Wahyuliati


Stroke merupakan penyebab kematian ketiga tersering setelah penyakit jantung dan kanker. Stroke juga merupakan penyebab kecacatan nomor satu di dunia. Sebanyak 88% penderita stroke akut mengalami hemiparesis. Fisioterapi adalah salah satu program rehabilitasi stroke. Efikasi fisioterapi dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu usia, status ekonomi dan tingkat pendidikan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh fisioterapi terhadap perbaikan kekuatan otot berdasarkan status ekonomi penderita stroke. Penelitian ini menilai pengaruh status ekonomi terhadap perbaikan derajat paresis pada 39 subyek. Desain penelitian ini adalah kohort retrospektif tanpa kelompok kontrol selama tiga bulan. Data diperoleh dari rekam medik dan kuesioner lalu dianalisis dengan uji Regresi dengan variabel Dummy. Analisis uji Regresi dengan variabel Dummy menunjukan nilai signifikansi antara sta­tus ekonomi dengan perbaikan derajat paresis setelah tiga bulan fisioterapi sebesar p=0,033 (R2=0,116, p<0,05). Hal ini berarti, status ekonomi berpengaruh sebesar 11,6% terhadap rerata perbaikan derajat paresis setelah fisioterapi. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh status ekonomi terhadap rerata nilai perbaikan derajat paresis penderita stroke. Perbaikan derajat paresis lebih baik pada penderita stroke dengan status ekonomi rendah dibandingkan status ekonomi tinggi dan menengah.

Stroke is the third leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease and cancer. Stroke is also the most common cause of disability in the world. As many as 88% of patients with acute stroke have hemiparesis. Physiotherapy is one of the stroke rehabilitation program. Efficacy of physiotherapy influ­enced by several factors such age, economic status and level of education. The research aims to deter­mine the influence of physiotherapy on improving muscle strength based on economic status of stroke patient. The research assessed to the closeness of the influence economic status on the parese degree improvement in 39 subjects. The design of the research is a retrospective cohort study without control group was held for three months. Data were obtained by using medical records and questionnaire then analyzed by Dummy Regression Test. Analysis by Dummy Regression Test showed that a significance between high, medium, and low economic status with the paresis degree improvement after 3 months of physiotherapy is p=0,033 (R2=0,116, p<0,05). It means that economic status influence as many 11,6% on the mean of parese degree improvement after physiotherapy. Concluded that there are significant influence high, medium and low economic status on the mean of the parese degree improvement of patient stroke. The parese degree improvement on patient stroke with low economic status is better than high and medium.


parese degree; economic status; physiotherapy; derajat paresis; status ekonomi; fisioterapi

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/mmjkk.v14i1.2466


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