Author Guidelines
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Manuscript Preparation and Guidelines
General requirements:
- The manuscript should be in the form of research, thinking, scientific analysis, or the study of theory.
- The manuscript which sent to the JMMR should be original work, i.e. the same manuscript must not have been published or accepted for publication in any other journals/ books either in full or substantial part and must not be submitted to any other journal for concurrent publication or being considered for publication or even being reviewed.
- The manuscript is written in both English, attaching the author's name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail address. The soft file format should be in Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 or 2013, the average margin of 3 cm to the left, right, up, and down, font type is Goudy Old Style, size 12, in typing space 1, and justify.
- Manuscripts must comply with the following guidelines, failing which they may be returned for revision before entering the review process.
- The manuscript just submitted through an open journal system (OJS) mechanism in web address:
- The Editor of JMMR reserves the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the text contained without reducing or changing the intent of writing.
Author Guidelines:
Manuscript from Research Study
The Manuscript was written in the following order:
The title of the article should be concise, interesting and describe the content of the article (Maximum of fifteen words, Font Corbel, Bold, font 16, Justify Ctrl+J)
written in English with a single space. The abstract includes a description of the purpose of the research, method, analytical tools, and results. The abstract should be written briefly, concise, and in one paragraph (200 words maximum). The abstract should include the keywords that contain ideas or basic concepts that represent the fields of the study. Keywords maximum is 5 words.
This section describes the background, objectives, contribution, results, and implications of the research. The results and implications are recommended (not mandatory).
The problems faced by the hospitals certainly become an important note by medical personnel (Bray, 2017). The education (CI 95% p=0.025) and documentation (CI 95% p=0.013). Still, two indicators of midwife’s treatment while transferring and about the education involved minor harm (Dewi et al., 2020). Citations and JMMR bibliography writing style according to the American Psychological Association 7th edition (Fang, 2018).
Research Method
This section contains at least the design of the study, subject/object/sample, the operational definition and measurement of variables, techniques/instruments of data collection, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.
Result and Discussion
This section contains characteristics data of the subject/object/samples/respondents research, data analysis, and hypothesis testing instruments (if any), the answers to the research questions, findings, and findings interpretation.
Presenting a summary of findings, implications, limitations and research suggestions sequentially.
This section is written if desirable. Loading gratitude and appreciation to those who significantly contribute to the completion of the study.
Loaded data or instrument which supports the research.
It contains the sources referred to in the manuscript.
Manuscript from Article Review
This section describes the background, objectives, contribution, results and implications of the research. The results and implications are recommended (not mandatory). (Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
The problems faced by the hospitals certainly become an important note by medical personnel (Bray, 2017). The education (CI 95% p=0.025) and documentation (CI 95% p=0.013). Still, two indicators of midwife’s treatment while transferring and about the education involved minor harm (Dewi et al., 2020). Citations and JMMR bibliography writing style according to the American Psychological Association 7th edition (Fang, 2018).
This section contains at least the design of the study, subject/object/sample, the operational definition and measurement of variables, techniques/instruments of data collection, data analysis, and hypothesis testing.
(Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
This section contains characteristics data of the subject/object/samples/respondents research, data analysis, and hypothesis testing instruments (if any), the answers of the research questions, findings, and findings interpretation. (Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
Presenting a summary of findings, implications, limitations, and research suggestions sequentially. (Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
This section is written if desirable. Loading gratitude and appreciation to those who significantly contribute to the completion of the study. (Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
Loaded data or instrument which supports the research. (Goudy Old Style, Font 12, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
It contains the sources referred to in the study. Citations and JMMR reference writing style according to the American Psychological Association 7th edition. Highly recommended to write a bibliography using software citation. Each article should contain bibliography (only the source citation) which arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name or the name of the institution. It is recommended to use a library management application (Mendeley, Zotero, and Reference Manager). It’s recommended for the author. Example:
Tables title are numbered and written at the top of the table with a bold font and centered, accompanied by the source.
Citations and JMMR bibliography writing style according to the American Psychological Association 7th edition. Highly recommended to write a bibliography using softwere citation. Each article should contain bibliography (only the source citation) which arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name or the name of the institution. Example:
REFERENCES (Book, Journal Article, Proceeding Paper, Article from Website )
Alexander, A. (2017). Evaluating web resources. Retrieved from Widener. Http://
Bray, J. (2017). Bluetooth: Connect without wires (1st ed., Vol. 1). Prentice Hall.
Dewi, A., Seftaviani, N., & Rochmawati, E. (2020). Patient Safety Incident Differences Between Accredited and not Accredited Primary Health Center. JMMR (Jurnal Medicoeticolegal Dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit), 8(3), 215–223.
Fang, Q. (2018). Lightweight sensing and communication protocols for target enumeration and aggregation. 1, 1–14.
If the picture and Table in manuscript:
for example:
Table.1 About a……… (Goudy Old Style, Bold, Font 10, American Psychological Association 7th edition)
Employment Status | Good | Medium | Less | Total |
Civil servants | 4 | 2 | | 6 |
Honorary | 5 | 25 | 7 | 37 |
Total | 9 | 27 | 7 | 43 |
Source: (Goudy Old Style, Italic, Font 10, American Psychological Association 7th edition) (Alexander, 2017)
Picture. …………………………………..
Resources: ……………………………….
Policy of Reproduction
Articles have been published in JMMR to be copyrighted of the Master Program of Hospital Management UMY. For educational purposes, the contents of JMMR can be copied or reproduced as long as mentioning the source of the article. Written requests must be submitted to the Editor to obtain permission to reproduce the contents of JMMR for any other purpose other than educational purposes. The contents of the article are not the responsibility of the JMMR because of JMMR only valid as a publisher.