The manuscript must be submitted through online submisson by registered users. Author should first register as author/ reader through the following address:
The author should fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. After all form textbox was filled, Author clicks on “Register” button to proceed the registration. Therefore, Author is brought to online author submission interface where Author should click on “New Submission”. In the Start a New Submission section, click on “’Click Here’: to go to step one of the five-step submission process”. The following are five steps in online submission process:
Step 1 – Starting the Submission: The author must check-mark on the submission checklists.
Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: To upload a manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload submission file item and choose the manuscript document file (.doc/.docx) to be submitted, then click "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded.
Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: Detail authors metadata should be entered including marked corresponding author. After that, manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.
Step 4 – Uploading Supplementary Files: Supplementary file should be uploaded including Author Statement. Therefore, click on Browse button, choose the files, and then click on Upload button.
Step 5 – Confirming the Submission: Author should final check the uploaded manuscript documents in this step. To submit the manuscript to SEMESTA TEKNIKA, click Finish Submission button after the document is true. The corresponding author or the principal contact will receive an acknowledgment by email and will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging into the journal web address site.
Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines in the MS Word manuscript template. The manuscript template can be downloaded at the following link: SEMESTA TEKNIKA TEMPLATE
General requirements:
1. Semesta Teknika is a refereed journal which receives manuscripts from author/contributor written in the Indonesian and English language. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication.
2. Manuscripts submitted in one copy (hard copy), typed with Times New Roman-11 pt and 1 spacing on A4 paper not exceeding 15 pages (including figures and appendix).
3. The manuscript only could be sent via OJS (open journal system) in web address:
4. Manuscripts must comply with the following guidelines, and sould be formatted SEMESTA TEKNIKA template for submission. Paper which is not comply this re requirement may be returned for revision before entering the review process.
5. The Editor of SEMESTA TEKNIKA reserves the right to edit the grammar and spelling of the text contained without reducing or changing the intent of writing.
Writing Guidelines:
The Manuscript written in the following order:
Write the title briefly no more than 15 words and clearly. The title of the article should be concise, interesting and describe the content of the article. The tittle of paper (in Indonesian / English) is written in the middle using font Times New Roman 12 pt bold, as in this template. Below is the title of paper in English / Indonesian the title contains a maximum 14 words in Indonesia or 10 words in English.
Abstract written in English with single space. Abstract includes a description of the purpose, methods and result of research. Abstract within 200 to 250 words describing the content of manuscript should not written in English. Abstract should be supplied with 3 to 6 keywords.
In the introduction, a background is written, an explanation of the related research that was published in the first place if available.
Methods of the study. This section contains. General research methods. Research methods to answer goals and objectives. Hypotheses (if any) with more popular languages. Collect primary data / sampling methods for measuring and testing statistics (if any).
This section contains characteristics data of the subject/object/samples/respondents research, data analysis, and hypothesis testing instruments (if any), the answers to the research questions, findings and findings interpretation.
Each paper ends with a conclusion, which summarizes the results of the paper written.
This section is provided for the author to express his gratitude either for the research funders or the other parties who contribute into research realization.
Contain the research instrument, questionnaires, experiment scenario, interview question list, and other instrument.
Figure and tables are placed in the middle of the page. The title of figure is placed at the bottom of figure with the center format, while the table title is placed on the top side of the table with the center format. Both are written with font Book Antiaqua 9 pt. The letters in the table use font Times New Roman 10 pt 1 space. The letters for captions in the figure should be large enough and clear so that they are easy to read.
Colored figure must be changed to Black / White or Gray, because this journal hardcopy edition does not print color specific pages. The figure must also have a good resolution so that printing does not change the figure quality. If needed, the author can include figure in separate files to make it easier for editors to make settings / edits.
Figure and tables must be referenced in a paper and placed as close as possible to the description that refers to the first time. Numbering of figure and tables are sorted from number 1 and so on. Examples of figure can be seen in Figure 1, while examples of tables can be seen in Table 1.
If there is a large Figure or table (which is not enough if it is written in a 2-column format), then figure or table is placed at the top or bottom of a page, adjusted to its location with the description that explains it.
Tables and figure should be original, not reproductive results whose source is not clear. If the author uses tables and figure from other sources, it is recommended that the author have obtained permission to use copyright or copyright agreement to be included in the paper. It is recommended that the author does not violate the copyrights of other authors from sources of journals or books that have been published.
(a) cell pressure equal to1 kg/cm
Figure 1. Graph of the relationship between strain and deviator pressure from each mixture at the age of 14 days for several variations in cell pressure
Table 1. Initial test results for the physical and mechanical properties of silt soil
No. | Parameter | Result |
1 | Specific gravity (Gs) | 2,234 |
2 | Consistency boundaries | |
| a. Liquid limit (LL) | 62,50 % |
| b. Plastic limit (PL) | 36,93 % |
| c. Plasticity index (PI) | 25,57 % |
Equations are written using Equation Editor or the like. Each variable in the equation is given the first time the variable appears. All equations are written on the left edge (left), with the sequence number of the equation placed right on the right.
Writing literature in this journal follows the APA Reference Style Guide. The sentence in the paper that refers to the bibliography is marked with the last name of the main author and year. For authors of more than two authors, the word et al. after the first author's last name, for example: According to Basha et al. (2004), ...
If the author is only two people, the two last names of the author are written together, for example: The study conducted by Rosyidi and Taha (2007), shows ... or ... seismic data has been analyzed using the SASW method (Rosyidi & Taha, 2007). This section written journal list, books, or the other publications that referred in published manuscript in the last 10 years (80%). Minimum amount of the bibliography is 10 sources. It is recommended to use a library management application (Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, Referance Manager)
The bibliography is displayed at the end of the paper and sorted alphabetically from the main author's last name. The letters used are Times New Roman 11 pt, with a hanging format of 10 mm, as in the example below. The reference library must be in the form of material published or easily accessible to the information by the public. The order of writing bibliography in the form of books is as follows:
1. All names of authors
2. Year of publication in parentheses
3. Title (printed italic) and edition / number (if any)
4. Place of publication
5. Publisher name
The order of writing bibliography in the form of journals or seminar / conference proceedings is as follows:
1. All names of authors
2. Year of publication in parentheses
3. Title of the paper
4. Journal name / proceedings (printed italic)
5. Place held (for proceedings)
6. Volume and journal number / proceedings
7. Page number
Alwahab, R.M. & Al-Qurna, H.H. (1995). Fiber reinforced cohesive soils for application in compacted earth structure. Proceeding of Geosynthetics Conference, Nashville, Tennesee, Vol. 2, (pp.433-446).
Hardiyatmo, H.C. (2006). Mekanika Tanah 1. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Kaniraj, S.R. & Havanagi, V.G. (2001). Behavior of cement-stabilized fiber-reinforced fly ash-soil mixtures. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering, 127(7), 574-584.