Pengaruh Perlakuan Sebelum Alkalisasi dan Waktu Alkalisasi terhadap Sifat Bending Komposit Serat Sisal/PMMA

Muhammad Budi Nur Rahman, Harini Sosiati


Penelitian komposit serat alam untuk meningkatkan kekuatan mekanis telah dilakukan, salah satunya memodifikasi permukaan serat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh pencucian serat sebelum proses alkalisasi dan waktu alkalisasi terhadap sifat bending komposit serat sisal/PMMA. Serat sisal diberi perlakuan sebelum dicetak menjadi komposit dengan dicuci aquades, deterjen, dan direbus sampai mendidih dilanjutkan perlakuan alkali (6% NaOH) selama 12 jam. Variasi waktu alkalisasi adalah 4, 12, 24, dan 40 jam dengan pencucian aquades. Komposit dicetak menggunakan metode cold press dengan fraksi volume serat 20% dan tekanan 125 kg/cm2 ditahan selama 1 jam. Pengujian tarik dengan ASTM D3379-75, uji bending dengan ASTM D790-03 dan analisa morfologi serat menggunakan mikroskop optik dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Pencucian serat sisal dengan aquades menghasilkan kekuatan tarik serat tunggal sebesar 4,87 MPa sedangkan pencucian serat menggunakan detergen sebesar 4,38 MPa dan serat yang direbus sebesar 4,00 MPa. Komposit dengan serat dicuci aquades memiliki kekuatan dan modulus bending tertinggi sebesar 136,602 MPa, dan 341,810 MPa sedangkan nilai regangannya terendah sebesar 0,117. Semakin lama perlakuan alkali akan menurunkan nilai kekuatan dan modulus elastisitas sedangkan reganganmya naik. Perlakuan 4 jam alkali, memiliki kekuatan sebesar 132,534 MPa, modulus bending 356,941 MPa, dan regangan 0,117. Struktur serat yang dicuci aquades tetap utuh sedangkan yang dicuci detergen dan direbus terjadi kerusakan. Semakin lama perlakuan alkali menyebabkan lignin terkikis sehingga ikatan serat menjadi lemah.

Research on natural fiber composites to increase mechanical strength has been carried out, one of which is modifying the fiber surface. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of washing the fibers before the alkalization process and the alkalization time on the bending properties of sisal fiber / PMMA composites. Sisal fibers were treated before being molded into a composite by washing with distilled water, detergent, and boiling until boiling followed by alkaline treatment (6% NaOH) for 12 hours. The variations in alkalization time were 4, 12, 24, and 40 hours with distilled water washing. The composites were molded using a cold press method with a fiber volume fraction of 20% and a pressure of 125 kg / cm2 held for 1 hour. Tensile testing with ASTM D3379-75, bending test with ASTM D790-03 and fiber morphological analysis using an optical microscope were carried out in this study. Washing sisal fibers with distilled water produces a single fiber tensile strength of 4.87 MPa, while washing the fibers using detergent is 4.38 MPa and boiled fiber is 4.00 MPa. Composites with distilled water washed fibers had the highest strength and bending modulus of 136.602 MPa and 341.810 MPa, while the lowest strain value was 0.117. The longer the alkaline treatment will decrease the strength and elastic modulus values while the strain increases. The 4 hours treatment is alkaline, has a strength of 132.534 MPa, bending modulus of 356.941 MPa, and strain of 0.117. The structure of the fibers washed with distilled water remains intact, while those washed with detergent and boiled are damaged. The longer the alkaline treatment causes the lignin to be eroded so that the fiber bonds become weak.


sisal fiber, fiber washing, alkalization time, bending properties

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