Sharia stock investment decisions: Sharia stock literacy and risk factors and their relations with behavioral bias

Ibna Kamilia Fiel Afroh, Achmad Hasan Hafidzi


Research aims: This study aims to analyze the influence of Sharia stock literacy and risk factors on Sharia stock investment decisions with behavioral bias as an intervening variable.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The population was investors in East Java Province who invested in Sharia stock. The sample for this research was 500 respondents. The analysis employed was the Structural Equation Model.
Research findings: The impact of Sharia stock literacy on both Sharia stock literacy and investor behavioral bias was positive. Sharia stock investment decisions were adversely impacted by risk factors. Additionally, risk factors had a detrimental impact on investor behavioral bias. Behavioral bias yielded a favorable impact on the decision-making process for investing in Sharia-compliant stocks. Through behavioral bias, Sharia stock literacy positively affected Sharia stock investment decisions. Meanwhile, risk factors obtained a negative effect on Sharia stock investment decisions through behavioral bias.
Theoretical contribution/Originality: This research contributes to Sharia stock investment decisions and provides empirical evidence of Sharia stock investment decisions concerning Sharia stock literacy, risk factors, and behavioral biases.
Practitioner/Policy implication: This research contributes to investors' ability to determine investment decisions in Sharia stock.
Research limitation/Implication: The limitation of this research is that independent variables only used two components of Sharia stock investment decision, i.e., Sharia stock literacy and risk factors. Hence, the level of influence of the independent variables on the dependent was small.


Sharia Stock Literacy; Risk Factors; Behavioral Biases; Sharia Stock Investment Decision

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