Smoking History as The Main Factors of Chronic Kidney Disease in Hemodialytic Patients

Aprilia Trisnawati, Yeni Kartika Sari, Thatit Nurmawati, Ta'adi Ta'adi


Background: The high risk of death and treatment costs for chronic kidney disease make a global problem. History of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and energy supplement drinks are factors that cause chronic kidney disease that can be controlled. Consequently, it is important to identify factors associated with poor outcomes among hemodialytic patients.

Objective: This study aims to determine the main factors associated with chronic kidney disease in Mardi Waluyo Hospital Blitar.

Methods: The design of this study was a cross-sectional study. The populace of this study was all hemodialytic patients treated at Mardi WaluyoBlitar General Hospital in June 2023, totaling 152. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, with a total number of samples used was 132 patients. Data was analyzed using logistic regression.

Results: The multivariate analysis showed that a smoking history accompanied by another factor increases the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease.  The variables that had a significant effect on Chronic Kidney Disease of hemodialytic patients included Diabetes Mellitus history (OR: 3.04), Hypertension history (OR: 1,4), Smoking History (OR:0,3), Drinking energy supplement history (OR:0.3).

Conclusions: The foremost common cause of Chronic Kidney Disease in hemodialytic patients is smoking history. More education is needed for society to avoid chronic kidney disease by exercising health control regularly, stopping smoking, and having a healthy lifestyle.


Chronic Kidney Disease; diabetes mellitus; hypertension; smoking


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