Pengembangan Kluster Industri Militer India dari Sudut Pandang Developmental State Theory

Ismiyatun Ismiyatun


This research was held to investigate India government policy in military industry development by using the instrument of high technology cluster for anticipating revolution on the military affairs. The novelty was lied on its description about Developmental State Theory (DST), especially state domain and strategy toward market. India had half intervention characteristic. State owned enterprises was defended beside took collaboration with the market. The strategy prefers the empowerment of competence qualification for the domestic firm, hold the political agencies networking and diplomacy in order to support the regulation. High technology cluster could reinforce state domain and strategy because of its technology venture which gave power to attain economic diplomacy.

Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi kebijakan pemerintah India dalam pengembangan industri militer melalui suatu kluster industri berteknologi informasi, guna mengantisipasi fenomena revolusi dalam militer. Kebaruan penelitian ini terletak pada deskripsinya tentang teori negara developmentalis, khususnya mengenai domain negara dan strategi yang dijalankan terhadap pasar. India memiliki karakteristik setengah intervensi, perusahaan negara tetap dipertahankan disamping tingginya intensitas kolaborasi pasar. Spesifikasi strateginya lebih mengutamakan unsur penguatan melalui standar kompetensi bagi firma domestik, penciptaan jaringan yang mendukung peningkatan agen politik dan diplomasi sebagai pendukung regulasi. Kluster berteknologi tinggi dari sudut teori ini mampu menjadi penguat kelayakan atas tipologi domain negara serta strategi yang dihasilkannya


Developmentalist state theory; state domain; military industry cluster

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