Scopus Citation Analysis

Jurnal Media Hukum (JMH) Scopus Citedness: update October 2022

Penegakan Hukum Pidana Islam (Jinayah) Di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam; Surbakti, N.; 2021; Jurnal Media Hukum, 17(2), pp. 190-202

1. Scrutinizing cheating behavior among EFL students at islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia; Habiburrahim, H., Trisnawati, I.K., Yuniarti, Y., Zainuddin, Z., Muluk, S.; 2021; Qualitative Report, 26(3), pp. 1033-1053
2. The effectiveness of Islamic law enforcement to empower and protect women in Aceh province, Indonesia; Syamsuar, Islamiyah, U.H., Chik, Z., Saputra, R., Erizar; 2018; Journal of Social Sciences Research (Specialissue2), pp. 466-471


Corporate Liability for Creditors’ Losses during the Covid-19 Pandemic; Johan, S., Ariawan; 2021; Media Hukum, 28(1), pp. 15-28

1. Do Cross-Default and Cross-Collateral Clause Fulfill the Principles of Justice and Equality in Loan Agreement?(The Case of Indonesia); Johan, S., Sudiro, A., Gunadi, A.; 2022; Global Business and Finance Review, 27(3), pp. 1-13


Patent law and its enforcement in Indonesia, Japan and the USA; Purwaningsih, E.; 2020; Jurnal Media Hukum, 27(1), pp. 1-22

1. Technological advancement on patent registration in Indonesia; Waspiah, W., Santoso, B., Prananingtyas, P., Taduri, J.N.A., Arifin, R.; 2022; AIP Conference Proceedings, 2573,030023-1


Strengthening the position of expert witness in judicial process; Amarini, I., Kartikawati, R.; 2020; Jurnal Media Hukum, 27, pp. 44-54

1. Poacher pays? Judges' liability decisions in a mock trial about environmental harm caused by illegal wildlife trade; Fajrini, R., Nichols, R.M., Phelps, J.; 2022; Biological Conservation, 266,109445


Comercialization of Airnav Indone-sia as Air Navigation Provider: Is it beneficial? ; Wirsamulia, F.; 2019; Jurnal Media Hukum, 27(1), pp. 133-146

1. Commercialisation of air navigation service providers – evidence from europe | [Komercializácia poskytovateľov leteckých navigačných služieb – aktuálny stav v európe]; Materna, M., Badánik, B., Sedláčková, A.N., Maternová, A.; 2021; Promet - Traffic - Traffico, 33(5), pp. 647-659


Law on Khamr Under Qanun Jinayat in Aceh and Brunei Darussalam: A Comparative Study; Natsir, M., Arbas, C., Suriyani, M.; 2019; Jurnal Media Hukum, 26(1), pp. 71

1. The Other Side of the History of the Formulation of Aceh Jinayat Qanun; Salma, Fajri, A., Hidayat, T., Safri, E.; 2022; Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 22(1), pp. 83-110


The application of social control theory in preventing violent crime by juvenile delinquent; Widowaty, Y; 2019; Media Hukum, 26, pp. 182-193

1. Criminal policy in plantation crime in Indonesia; Renhard, H., Syafrudin, K., Ediwarman, Alvi, S.; 2021; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 782(3),032046


The Issue of Copyright Infringement in 4.0 Industrial Revolution: Indonesian Case' ; Nurhayati, Yati, Irfani, Barkatullah, Abdul Hali; 2019; Jurnal Media Hukum, 26(2), pp. 124

1. Deradicalisation to combat terrorism: Indonesia and Thailand cases; Sumarwoto, Mahmutarrom, Ifrani; 2020; Sriwijaya Law Review, 4(2), pp. 249-260


Restorative Justice: Paradigma Baru Peradilan Pidana ; Satria, H.; 2018; Jurnal Media Hukum , 25(1), pp. 97-123

1. Reducing the expenses of criminal jurisdictions through strengthening the principle of judgment based on local awareness; Dewi, E., Anwar, M., Andrisman, T., Husin, B.R.; 2021; International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(2), pp. 1-10


The concept of Judicial Pardon (Judge's forgiveness) in Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia; Farikhah, Mufatikhatul; 2018; Jurnal Media Hukum, 25(1), pp. 81-92

1. Reducing the expenses of criminal jurisdictions through strengthening the principle of judgment based on local awareness; Dewi, E., Anwar, M., Andrisman, T., Husin, B.R.; 2021 International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 25(2), pp. 1-10


Analisis Pengaturan dan Praktik Pemisahan Kekuasaan Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensial Berdasarkan Konstitusi ; Zulfan, Z.; 2018; Jurnal Media Hukum, 25(1), pp. 60-67



Pidana Kerja Sosial Dan Restitusi Sebagai Alternatif Pidana Penjara Dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Indonesia; Wibawa, Iskandar; 2018; Media Hukum, 24(2), pp. 107

2. Prison in review of Islamic criminal law: Between human and deterrent effects | [Penjara dalam tinjauan hukum pidana Islam: Antara manusiawi dan efek jera]; Haq, I.; 2020; Samarah; 4(1), pp. 132-150


Aspek Hukum Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah Suatu Tinjauan Yuridis Peraturan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Pemerintah; Pane, M.D.; 2017; Jurnal Media Hukum, 24(2), pp. 147-155

1. Developing a Model of Construction Contract Management Competency in a Developing Country: Quantitative Approach; Hansen, S.; 2021; Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 13(4),04521030


Determining mechanism of appraisal value and binding of copyright as fiduciary assurance objects [Indonesian] ; Setianingrum, R.B.; 2017; Media Hukum, 23(2), pp. 229-238

1. Business development of copyright and fiduciary guarantee in Indonesia; Njatrijani, R., Rahmanda, B., Prananda, R.R., Uz Zaman, M.N.; 2020; International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 8(1), pp. 278-284


The Meaning of Prudential Principles In Regional Regulations Spatial Plans for Areas Based on Sustainability Lingungan Hidup In Maluku Province ; Ode, L.; 2017; Jurnal Media Hukum, 24(2), pp. 56-63

1. The formulation of green open spacein the regional regulation of spatial planning of Maluku province; Angga, L.O., Saptenno, M.J.; 2020; International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9(1), pp. 3954-3959


Eksistensi serikat pekerja/serikat buruh dalam upaya mensejahterakan pekerja; Ibrahim, Z.; 2016; Jurnal Media Hukum ,23(2), pp. 150-161

1. Power Imbalances in Collective Decision-Making: The Study of Minimum Wage Setting Cases; Susanti, E., Nurasa, H., Widianingsih, I.; 2019; Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 22(3), pp. 201-215


Menyoal Makna Netralitas Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara; Sudrajat, T., Karsona, A.M.; 2016; Media Hukum, 23(1), pp. 8

1. Organizational commitment and professionalism to determine public satisfaction through good governance, public service quality, and public empowerment; Nor, R., Gani, A.J.A., Saleh, C., Amin, F.; 2022; International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 19(1), pp. 191-217
2. Organizational Commitment and Expertise in Determining Community Satisfaction Through Good Governance, Quality of Community Services, and Community Empowerment; Rojikinnor, Gani, A.J.A., Saleh, C., Amin, F.; 2022; Journal of the Knowledge Economy,


Right to access information in decentralised Indonesia: A socio-legal inquiry; Wiratraman, H.P., Majda El Muhtaj, M.E., Kasim, I.; 2015; Media Hukum , 22(1)

1. Open government and the right to information: Implications for transparency and accountability in Asia; Zafarullah, H., Siddiquee, N.A; 2021; Public Administration and Development, 41(4), pp. 157-168



1. Harmonization of laws related to the protection of artisanal fishermen fishing grounds in Aceh Province; Sulaiman, S., Abdullah, M.A., Mansur, T.M., Roesa, N.; 2021; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 869(1),012054


Otonomi Khusus Daerah Perbatasan, Alternatif Solusi Penyelesaian Masalah Perbatasan di Indonesia; Permatasari, A.; 2014; Jurnal Media Hukum , 21(2)

1. A portrait of religious education in the indonesia-malaysia boder area(Case of Sungai Limau Village, central Sebatik District, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan); Rahman, U., Idham, Mujizatullah, Muslim, A., Subair, M.; 2020; Elementary Education Online,19(2), pp. 1-10
2. Asymmetric policy of border area development in Indonesia (Joko widodo-jusuf kalla government period); Rusdiyanta, Pujiyono, M.S.D.B., Si, M.; 2019; International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), pp. 829-833
3. Traditional Sasi wisdom in Papua-based nature conservation; Sumarsono, A., Wasa, C.; 2019; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 235(1),012092


Restrictions on human rights in an emergency perspective; Matompo, Osgar S.; 2014; Jurnal Media Hukum, 21(1), pp. 57-72

1. Fake News and Internet Shutdowns in Indonesia: Symptoms of Failure to Uphold Democracy; Rahman, R.A., Tang, S.-M.; 2022; Constitutional Review,8(1), pp. 151-183
2. Mandatory coronavirus disease-19 (covid-19) vaccination in indonesia: Legal aspect; Aini, M.H., Widjaja, G.; 2021; Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 24(Special Issue 1), pp. 1-15
3. The limitation of voting rights for people with permanent mental disabilities in Indonesia: a debate between reasonable and unreasonable rights; Ramadhan, D.A.; 2021; Cogent Social Sciences, 7(1),1932032
4. What constitutes as limitation of (Human) rights in indonesian legal context?; Jayadi, A.; 2017; Hasanuddin Law Review, 3(3), pp. 290-306


Indonesian Responsibility for transboundary Haze Pollution After the Ratification Asean on Transboundary Haze Pollution (AATHP); Gunawan, Yordan; 2014; Jurnal Media Hukum , 21(2), pp. 170-177

1. Post-asean agreement on transboundary haze pollution: How to settle the dispute settlement?; Fitriyanti, F., Gunawan, Y.; 2019; Hasanuddin Law Review, 5(3), pp. 253-265


Transboundary Haze Pollution in the Perspective of International Law of State Responsibility; Gunawan, Yordan; 2014; Jurnal Media Hukum , 21(2)

1. The Right to Water in Jakarta: Limitation in a Sinking City; Sumartapraja, A.R., Christianti, D.W.; 2022; Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 9(1), pp. 67-88


Dampak Pemilihan Umum Serentak Bagi Pembangunan Demokrasi Indonesia; Prasetyoningsih, N.; 2014; Jurnal Media Hukum , 21(2), pp. 241-263
1. Problems of democratic and dignified election in indonesian simultaneously electoral era; Prasetio, Karjoko, L., Wardhani, L.T.A.L., (...), Tahir, A., Al-Fatih, S.; 2020; International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 9, pp. 1701-1708

2. Coattail effect strategy of gerindra party in 2019 concurrent election | [Estrategia del efecto ‘coattail’ del partido gerindra en las elecciones concurrentes de 2019]; Ratnawati, Romansa, D.; 2020; Revista UNISCI
2020(53), pp. 177-192
3. Automatic counting based on scanned election form using feature match and convolutional neural network; Waladi, A., Arymurthy, A.M., Wibisono, A., Mursanto, P.; 2019; 2019 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems, ICACSIS 2019, 8979691, pp. 193-198
4. Effectiveness of election socialisation in increasing the political literacy of society in central kalimantan; Erawati, D.; 2020; International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 13(2), pp. 533-546


Combating Piracy: The Indonesian Case; Ariadno, Melda Kamil; 2013; Jurnal Media Hukum ,20(1), pp. 139-156

1. DISPUTE RESOLUTION BETWEEN THE PHILIPPINES AND CHINA: FISHING ACTIVITIES IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA | [Titulo en Castellano: Resolución de conflictos entre Filipinas y China: Actividades pesqueras en el Mar del Sur de China] Gunawan, Y., Irrynta, D., Segura, C.G., Alcaraz, P.P. 2022 Revista UNISCI
2022(59), pp. 59-73


Islamic perspective on marital rape; Susila, M.; 2013; Jurnal Media Hukum , 20(2), pp. 317-332

1. Criminal protection of the family in the Iraqi legislation; Almusawi, B.J.; 2021; Hasanuddin Law Review, 7(1), pp. 21-30
2. Medicolegal study of sexual violence cases in Pekanbaru, Indonesia: prevalence, pattern, and Indonesian legal framework; Afandi, D.; 2018; Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 8(1),37
3. Islamic perspectives on the legality of marital rape in the framework of maqāsidal-sharī'ah; Nasri, M.M.B.M., Hamat, M.A.B.A.; 2018; Islamic Quarterly, 62(1), pp. 151-168
4. Cedaw implementation in Malaysia: An overview of reservations from Islamic perspective; Ahmad, N., Aminudin, R., Othman, R., Ghazali, N., Ismail, N.S.; 2017; Intellectual Discourse, 25, pp. 615-635


State obligations on virus sample sharing; From common heritage of mankind to state's sovereign right  ; Barizah, N.; 2013; Jurnal Media Hukum , 20, pp. 191

1. Never mind the science, here's the convention on biological diversity: Viral sovereignty in the smallpox destruction debate; Rourke, M.F.; 2018; Journal of Law and Medicine, 25(2), pp. 429-447


Perkembangan Hak Menguasai Negara atas Tanah Hak menguasai atau memiliki; Kusumadara, A.; 2013; Jurnal Media Hukum , 20(2), pp. 262-276

1. Critical Review of Indonesian Government Legal Policies on The Conversion of Protected Forests and Communal Lands of The Indigenous Batak People around Lake Toba | [Telaah Kritis atas Kebijakan Hukum Pemerintah Indonesia terkait Alih Fungsi Hutan Lindung dan Tanah Ulayat Masyarakat Adat Batak di sekitar Danau Toba]; Imamulhadi, Kurniati, N.; 2019; Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 6(3), pp. 446-465
2. The state's sovereign rights to protect biodiversity in Indonesia for the sake of the Indonesian people's survival; Yulia, Nuribadah, Jafar, S., Aksa, F.N., Herinawati; 2019; International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 9(4), pp. 149-158


Indikasi Geografis: Rezim Hki Yang Bersifat Sui Generis ; Sasongko, W.; 2012; Jurnal Media Hukum, 19

1. The future challenges on economic value of intellectual property on geographical indication products in the era of globalization; Sulistianingsih, D., Pujiono, P., Hidayat, A., Setiawan, A.; 2022; AIP Conference Proceedings, 2573,030007-1
2. The review of communal rights on geographical indications: Communal standpoint as constraints to legal protection; Simanjuntak, Y.N.; 2021; Environmental Policy and Law, 51(5), pp. 297-308
3. Geographical indications protection under the new regulation in Indonesia; Sasongko, W.; 2018; Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 9(4), pp. 403-419


Konsep Sustainable Develompment sebagai Bentuk Perlindungan terhadap Korban Tindak Pidana Lingkungan Hidup; Widowaty, Y.; 2012; Jurnal Media Hukum, 19(2), pp. 260-275

1. Community participation arrangements to prevent illegal drilling; Rumesten, I.R.S., Febrian, Helmanida, Ngadino, A.; 2018; Hasanuddin Law Review, 4(3), pp. 348-355


Konsep Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pengetahuan Tradisional Masyarakat Asli Tentang Obat di Indonesia [The Concept of Legal Protection Agains Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous People about Drugs in Indonesia]; Daulay, Zainul; 2012; Jurnal Media Hukum , 19(2), pp. 181-193

2. Protective strategies for the ownership of traditional medicine knowledge; Daulay, Z., Warman, K.; 2020; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 14(4), pp. 4234-4239
3. Tenun Sasak in Indonesian Legal Discourse: from Cultural Heritage to Local Economic Booster | [Tenun Sasak dalam Diskursus Hukum Indonesia: dari Warisan Budaya Hingga Pendorong Ekonomi Lokal]; Martini, D., Sutrisno, B., Kurniawan; 2019; Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 6(3), pp. 576-593


Wewenang kelembagaan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup di era otonomi daerah; Akib, M.; 2012; Jurnal Media Hukum , 19(2), pp. 240

1. Democracy, Decentralization and Efficientcy: A Study of Bureaucratic Reforms in Indonesia; Priyatno, H., Susilo, U.; 2018; E3S Web of Conferences, 73,09011


[No title available]  ==> Perlindungan Sumber Daya Perikanan Laut Sebagai Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Pemerintah Daerah di Perairan Laut Wilayah Provinsi Aceh; Adwani; 2011; Jurnal Media Hukum,
18(2), pp. 190-200

1. The effectivenes of Panglima Laot of Simeulue and its coherence with fisheries management industry based on EAFM (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management); Miswar, E., Rahmah, A., Nazwar, F.B., (...), Ulfah, M., Iqbal, T.H.; 2019; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science; 348(1),012093


[No title available]  ==> Perlindungan Sumber Daya Perikanan Laut Sebagai Bentuk Tanggung Jawab Pemerintah Daerah di Perairan Laut Wilayah Provinsi Aceh; Adwani; 2011; Jurnal Media Hukum,
18(2), pp. 190-200

1. Harmonization of laws related to the protection of artisanal fishermen fishing grounds in Aceh Province; Sulaiman, S., Abdullah, M.A., Mansur, T.M., Roesa, N.; 2021; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 869(1),012054


[No title available]  ==> Pengalihan Risiko Tanggung Jawab Pelaku Ussaha Terhadap Konsumen di Indonesia Melalui Mekanisme Asuransi; Hamzah; 2011; Jurnal Media Hukum, 18, pp. 17-34

1. Law Enforcement of Consumer Protection for Safe Food Packaging in the Decisions of Criminal Justice; Wiryani, F., Herwastoeti, Najih, M., Haris, A.; 2017; IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 193(1),012055


Regulatory Competition and Decision Space of Decentralization Implementation in Indonesia: Study of Local Regulation in 2007-2009 ; Nurmandi, A.; 2011; Jurnal Media Hukum, 17(1), pp. 35864

1. Decentralization and Fiscal Autonomy at the Subnational Level in Indonesia; Vidyattama, Y.; 2021; Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 38(3), pp. 320-335


Keanekaragaman dalam Kesatuan Hukum: Model Interaksi Hukum Adat dan Hukum Negara dalam Hukum Agraria (Studi di SumBar); Warman, K.; 2009; Jurnal Media Hukum, 16(1)

1. Legislation to Reduce Land Conflicts in Indonesian Provinces; Hanifah, M., Ardiyanto, S.Y., Tegnan, H.; 2019; Environmental Policy and Law, 48(6), pp. 412-415


Aspek Hukum Komersialisasi Rumah Sakit Swasta dalam Kaitannya Dengan Pelayanan Kesehatan yang Berfungsi Sosial di Kota Yogyakarta; Lestari, A.Y.; 2001; Jurnal Media Hukum, 8(2), pp. 45-65

1. The Implementation of Minister of Health Regulation on Performance Improvement in Individual and Community Health Service (Study of Puskesmas Bawen, Central Java); Hidayati, S.I.; 2018; Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, 3(1), pp. 29-46


Eradication of corruption in the procurement of goods and services through criminal and administrative law instruments  (Judul asli : PEMBERANTASAN KORUPSI DALAM PENGADAAN BARANG DAN JASA MELALUI INSTRUMEN HUKUM PIDANA DAN ADMINISTRASI); Amiruddin, A.; 2012; Jurnal Media Hukum ,19(1)

1. Building The Eradication Of Corruption In Indonesia Using Administrative Law; Wicaksono, M.B.A., Saputra, R.; 2021; Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 24(Special Issue 1), pp. 1-17