Analisis Hemming Sheet Metal dengan Variasi Jenis dan Ketebalan Material

Vinsentius Bram Armunanto, Erico S Chrissandi, Herman Yosef, Krisna G Hernanto, Pujosakti Herdhianto, Yesaya Alfa Deta


The development of manufacturing industry is more rapidly, as a proof is the effeciency and speed of machining process of product manufacture. A machining process covers cutting, forming, coating, heat treatment, and casting. The bending process is included in the forming process, especially for steel plate material. The bending process uses bending tools either manual or automatic process using the program. Selection of suitable plate material will produce the optimal product, which is product free of scratch, crack or defect.The cause of bending failure can occur because the bending process parameters (bending force, methods, thickness and plate type) are not appropriate. Bending methods include v blending, u blending, r blending and hemming. Research and testing are needed to discover, analyze, and prove failure in hemming process. The result is expected to be supporting data related to product design in Work Fabrication (WF) at PT ATMI Solo.




metode bending; proses hemming; ASTM E290

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Perkembangan industri manufaktur semakin pesat, sebagai buktinya adalah efisiensi dan kecepatan proses pembuatan produk. Proses pemesinan meliputi pemotongan, pembentukan, pelapisan, perlakuan panas, dan pengecoran. Proses pembengkokan termasuk dalam proses pembentukan, termasuk bahan pelat baja. Khusus proses pembengkokan dengan sudut 180 derajat (hemming), sering terjadi kegagalan dengan adanya goresan, cacat atau patah. Pemilihan bahan pelat yang sesuai akan menghasilkan produk yang optimal. Penyebab kegagalan lentur dapat terjadi karena parameter proses lentur (gaya lentur, metode, ketebalan, dan tipe pelat) tidak sesuai. Penelitian dan pengujian menggunakan standar ASTM E290 untuk menemukan, menganalisis, dan membuktikan kegagalan dalam proses hemming. Hasilnya adalah material hasil proses hemming yang bebas dari cacat atau patah dan bisa menjadi data pendukung terkait desain produk dalam Work Fabrikasi (WF) di PT ATMI Solo


The development of manufacturing industry is more rapidly, as a proof is the effeciency and speed of machining process of product manufacture. A machining process covers cutting, forming, coating, heat treatment, and casting. The bending process is included in the forming process, especially for steel plate material. The bending process uses bending tools either manual or automatic process using the program. Selection of suitable plate material will produce the optimal product, which is product free of scratch, crack or defect.The cause of bending failure can occur because the bending process parameters (bending force, methods, thickness and plate type) are not appropriate. Bending methods include v blending, u blending, r blending and hemming. Research and testing are needed to discover, analyze, and prove failure in hemming process. The result is expected to be supporting data related to product design in Work Fabrication (WF) at PT ATMI Solo.



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