Pengaruh Dimensi Reservoir terhadap Flow Rate Pompa Infus Insulin

Rahmad Kuncoro Adi, Krisdiyanto Krisdiyanto


Pompa infus insulin adalah peralatan medis semi otomatis yang digunakan untuk mengontrol tingkat gula darah penderita diabetes. Cara kerja perangkat tersebut yaitu dengan cara memasukkan insulin dari reservoir insulin kedalam tubuh pasien secara kontinu. Reservoir insulin adalah tempat penyimpanan insulin sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh pasien. Komponen utama pompa infus insulin terdiri dari pompa, motor, reservoir, tube, dan microprocessor. Perangkat tersebut memasukkan insulin sesuai dengan flow rate yang telah diatur. Dimensi dari reservoir insulin mempengaruhi flow rate perangkat tersebut. Dimensi reservoir perlu dipertimbangkan agar flow rate yang keluar dari perangkat tersebut akurat. Simulasi pemberian kecepatan fluida pada reservoir insulin dapat dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak berbasis computational fluid dynamics. Kecepatan yang dimasukkan dapat dipakai untuk menghitung flow rate fluida. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa simulasi perubahan diameter reservoir insulin akan mempengaruhi flow rate. 

An insulin infusion pump is a semi-automatic medical device used to control blood glucose level of diabetic patient. The device works by infusing insulin from the insulin reservoir into the patient's body continuously. Insulin reservoir is a container where insulin is stored before being injected into the patient's body. The main components of insulin infusion pumps consist of a pump, a motor, a reservoir, tubes and a microprocessor. The device injects the insulin according to a regulated flow rate. The dimensions of the reservoir need to be considered so that the flow rate of the insulin is delivered accurately. The simulation of fluid velocity in the insulin reservoir was carried out using a computational fluid dynamics software. The entered fluid velocity were used to calculate fluid flow rates. The results of this study indicate that the simulation of changes in the diameter of the insulin reservoir will affect the flow rate. The smaller reservoir dimension make the flow rate that comes out of the nozzle approaches the flow rate that has been set in the insulin infusion pump program.


computational fluid mechanics; velocity; pressure; peralatan medis

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