Quality Coefficient on Gene Differentiation and Phenotype: Clone Assessment of Saccharum officinarum Linn

Setyo Budi, Wiharyanti Nur Lailiyah, Andriani Eko Prihatiningrum, Gatot Supangkat Samidjo


The production of superior sugarcane varieties can be achieved through crossbreeding between superior parent plants based on the desired advantages. Research examined the diversity of superior clones of SB04, SB11, SB19, and SB20 and identified the clones with the highest productivity potential. The first ratoon research was carried out from August 2020 to July 2021. Data analysis used descriptive-analytic methods, regression tests, and genetic diversity assessment. The observation was made on agronomic variables and potential productivity. Based on the result, the genetic diversity of the superior clone SB04 showed close similarity to the heterozygous combination PS862. The superior clone SB11 showed a tendency to inherit traits similar to Cenning. The superior clones SB19 and SB20 lean towards the VMC71-238 variety and the combination of PSBM01 and VMC71-238. The superior clones SB04, SB11, SB19, and SB20 produced higher weight, yield, and sugarcane crystal content compared to the characteristics of their two parents. Clones SB04, SB11, SB19, and SB20 produced high crystal content, ranging from 8.47 to 15.26 tons/ha, higher than their parent plants. SB19 had the highest yield, namely 15.26 tons/ha. Although some clones dominate crystal production, other clones inherit traits from both parents but are less dominant in overall productivity.


Clone; Coir levels; Gene differentiation; Productivity; Superior

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/pt.v12i2.22232


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