Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (English Education Department of UMY)

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning is published by English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The journal edition is released on January and July. It is available in the electronical version (e ISSN: 2580-2070), and printed version (p ISSN: 2527-7650). Articles that have not been published are invited. The Editor in Chief, Associate Editors and Reviewers will review the articles and they can make changes the format without changing the contents of articles.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (JFLTL) is an open access journal and it means that the users or readers have the permission to take the contents/articles without any charge. The contents or articles are provided for those who need some materials about English teaching and learning for free.  This journal is indexed by:

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Submission Information


Dear authors,

We are really sorry to inform you that the submission for July 2023 edition has been closed as the capacity for publication for July 2023 has been full.

Yet, we still have the space for the issue of January 2024.

Thank you.


Sri Rejeki Murtiningsih, Ph.D.

Editor in-Chief

Posted: 2023-05-04
More Announcements...

Vol 9, No 1 (2024): January

Table of Contents


Abu Na'im Rohman, Mutmainnah Mustofa, Dwi Fita Heriyawati
Laila Rochmawati, Tiara Sylvia, Lusiana Dewi Kusumayati, Maulana Anifa Silvia
María Belén Detken, Maria Rossana Ramirez-Avila, Carlos Humberto Chancay
Deonisia Tyas Yuniawati, Joko Priyana
Hardianto Hitimala, Yanty Wirza