Tata Kelola Kebijakan Qanun Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Maisir (Perjudian) Di Kabupaten Gayo Lues Provinsi Aceh

Muhammad Fikar, Dyah Mutiarin


The concept of regional autonomy and the views from the historical Aceh considered appropriate to enforce Sharia
Law kaffah. Qanun No.13 of 2003 about Maisir (Gambling) is one of the five existing Qanun in the implementation
Islamic Sharia in Aceh, with the aim of preventing all forms of implementation and support for implementing gambling,
to implement Islamic Sharia there are three institutions that run(1) Department of Islamic Sharia, (2) Satpol PP and
WH, (3) Syariah Court. Bu tthe reality is still going on various forms of gambling. The above considerations, there view
was conducted in order to see how the Governance Policy Qanun No.13 of 2003 about Maisir (Gambling) in Gayo Lues
Regencyof Aceh province and Relationships between Implementing Agencies. The method used in answering the
review using qualitative descriptive method to obtain aclear description of the public participation, LSM in the implementation
of Qanun No.13 of 2003 and the relationship between the executing agency. Therefore, the technique in
collecting the data that used is observation technique which is observe the objects condition in the field, interview the
performers who involved in implementing Qanun Nomor 13 in 2013 about Maisir (gambling) in regency of GayoLues
with record it in a document.


Government Policy and The Relation Of Institute.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jgpp.v1i3.2109


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