Konflik Internal Dan Rekrutmen Politik Partai Golkar Sulawesi Barat (Studi Kasus: Konflik Internal dan Keterpilihan Kader dalam Menghadapi Pemilu dan Pilkada di Sulawesi Barat 2014)

Asmadianto Asmadianto, Achmad Nurmandi


Conflicts on political parties is a routine phenomenon that occurred in Indonesia. This happens due to lack of awareness
in organizing both the elite and party leaders in reducing conflict.Meanwhile, the Golkar Party is the party who
placed second in the 2014 election yesterday, but Golkar did not choose/decide a candidate to be a President. Such
conditions are the initial emergebce of internal conflict in the Golkar party DPD West Sulawesi, where there is a view
difference of cadres in the district against the direction of the coalition that was built under the leadership of the DPP
handled by Aburizal Bakri. That difference led to the dismissal of Anwar Adnan Saleh, chairman of DPD Golkar Party of
West Sulawesi.Based on the explanation above, while the issues raised in this study is:first, how far is the extent of the
internal conflicts within the Golkar DPD of West Sulawesi, second, how is the relations of conflict with the election of
cadres on the nomination of the head of the region in several districts in West Sulawesi.Meanwhile, the method used
in this research is qualitative descriptive with the use of case studies (case studies) that intensively conducted,
thorough and in-depth on aorganization, institution or certain symptoms. While data collection techniques that was
used are observation: to observe the objective conditions in the field, interviewing actors involved in the internal
conflict DPD Golkar Party and Documentation.The results showed that: first, the cause of the conflict is a result of the
deactivation of DPD Golkar chairman by the board of DPP that involving protests by a number of cadres in the area
over the dismissal. Secondly, the presence of Nurdin Halid as a Tasks Executor increasingly heat uo the embryo of
Internal conflicts in the party. Third, as a result of doing the dismissal by the board DPP to Anwar make part of other
DPD to highlight and heat uop the conflict because they think that the central committee does not consider the result
of the dismissal, fourth, a split that occurred in the internal of Golkar Sulbar greatly affect the electability of cadres in
the nomination due to conflict rushing in Golkar, thus forcing the heads of district administrators do the election of
figure to win the elections. Not even a half-hearted to enforce Golkar to form a coalition with the bearer party of a
candidate in one district in West Sulawesi.


Internal Conflict and Political Recruitment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jgpp.v2i2.2128


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