Implementasi Data Kependudukan Berbasis Statistik dan Excel
Alfisyahrina Hapsery, Sari Cahyaningtias, Edy Sulistiyawan
The digital era demands that all components of institutional infrastructures be able to adapt for effective and efficient activities’ management. Gedangan Village, Sedayu, Gresik, as a government institution, must be able to adapt to the development of the digital age as well. However, the lack of knowledge and skills of village officials regarding information technology has become an overwhelming obstacle. The purpose of the community service program in Gedangan village was to increase the capacity of village government officials in the mastery and application of statistical and excel-based information technology. The methods applied in achieving the objectives were lectures and practicals. The results of the program showed improvement of knowledge and skills of the village apparatus in the analysis and presentation of population data based on statistics and excel. The increased capacity was indicated by the ability of the improvement participants to answer correctly from the 7 (seven) questions. All participants were able to answer correctly from 5 questions reaching 100%, 1 question of 83.3%, and the last question with 66.67%.
Population Data; Ms. Excel; Descriptive Statistics; Data Visualization
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