SP Transcription Family Involve In Tooth Development ?

Ivan Arie Wahyudi


Specificity Protein (SP) family members are tissue specific transcription factors.
They regulate a wide range of cellular function including cells growth, apoptosis,
differentiation and tumor formation. This family composed of more than 25
member proteins, which contain a DNA-binding domain very well conserve
between all members with three tandem zinc fingers of the C2H2 type in their
Cterminal region. Recently, it has reported in mammalian genome, there are nine
Sp genes (Sp1-Sp9). Some previous study reported Sp3 knockout mice have
enamel/dentin layer defect. Sp4 mRNA express in E13- E16 of WT mouse incisor.
Sp7 mRNA express in at 15, 17 days of post coitum and P1 (postnatal day 1). Sp6
has another name epiprofin, I also worked with this genes. Sp6 mRNA expressed
in early stage of tooth development to the secretory stage of ameloblast. It also
reported Sp6 weakly expressed in mesenchymal odontoblast of the incisor. Sp6
deficient mice reported delay tooth development. SP family members play an
important role in tooth development.


SP family; transcription factor; tooth development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/di.v1i1.520


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