Scopus Citenes

Saputri Rosalina, I. (2020). Estimasi Usia Dental berdasarkan Pendekatan Biomolekuler. Insisiva Dental Journal 9(1), pp. 31-38.

  1. Yudianto, A., Mieke Sylvia Margaretta, A.R., Setiawan, F., Ula, M. (2021). Human age estimation through DNA metilation analysis method from bite mark samples in forensic identification. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 15(1), pp. 706-713. DOI:

Rochmah, N. (2014). Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Potential to the Whiten Discoloration Tooth Enamel. Insisiva Dental Journal 3, pp. 78-83.

  1. Pratiwi, F., Tinata, J.K., Prakasa, A.W., (...), Hartini, E., Isworo, S. (2017). Citric acid compounds of tangerines peel extract (Citrus reticulata) as potential materials teeth whitening. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 824(1),012071. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/824/1/012071

Aquina, M., Permatasari, N. (2012). The effectiveness of tofu liquidwasteasanatural phytoestrogen formandibular bone of ovariectomized rats. Insisiva Dental Journal

  1. Xue, W., Yu, J., Chen, W. (2018). Plants and Their Bioactive Constituents in Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Periodontal Regeneration: A Novel Prospective. BioMed Research International 2018,7571363. DOI: 10.1155/2018/7571363

Wulan, SDA, Zata, HF, Budirahardjo, R. (2010). Effect of Electric Foot Shock Stressor on Alkaline Phosphatase Serum Levels in Male Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Serums. Insisiva Dental Journal 2(1), pp. 1-6.

  1. Rahman, S., Maryatun, Gan, A.K. (2020). The effect of bitter melon (Momordica charantia l.) ethanol extract on tibia bone fracture healing in the wistar strain rats (rattus novergicus) based on radiological assessment, histopathology, and alkaline phosphatase levels. Bali Medical Journal 9(1), pp. 189-193. DOI: 10.15562/bmj.v9i1.1743