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A foreign policy of a nation determined by policy capacity. The policy capacity indicators include: a) they whom related in decision making which try to develop national consensus about a goal and a way to reach the goal, focuses systematic understanding in policy making process, avoid doubtful in taking the policy; b) focuses a patience in waiting for results; c) look at other countries which are not as a unity; d) continuously increase policy capacity.

As developing country, the Indonesia‘s foreign policy was become a tool for increasing welfare. A measure of success in Indonesia‘s foreign policy have to be linked to achievements of Indonesia’s welfare during the government’s period. The president’s ability in increasing policy capacity and bargaining is vital. In other words, foreign policy by economic approach is real practice by sharpening vision continuously to get a better result.


foreign policy, policy capacity, policy making process.

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Referensi terkait:

http ://www. df at. goy. aulaib/australia_foreign_trade_policy. html

Kompas, 20 Mei 2005.

The Jakarta Post, 6 Oktober 2003.

The Jakarta Post, Economic Outlook 2005.

The Jakarta Post, 23 Pebruari 2005


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