Journalistic Objectivity: Online Media Reporting on 3 Presidential Candidates 2024 Presidential Election Contestants

Rita Sugiarti, Syamsuddin Aziz, Muhammad Akbar, Dian Muhtadiah Hamna, Christine B. Tenorio


This study aims to analyze the journalistic activities of online media in covering three candidates for the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia. Employing a qualitative research approach with qualitative data analysis software, the research draws data from reputable online media sources in Indonesia. Findings reveal that, based on nine indicators of journalistic objectivity, and exhibit differing patterns. scores highest in factuality, with a percentage of 18%, while reaches 16%. Conversely,'s lowest indicator is justice at 3%, and's is honesty at 6%. Notably, honesty scores relatively low across both platforms. Regarding coverage focus, tends to prioritize Ganjar Pranowo, whereas allocates attention to Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto. Additionally,'s news narrative predominantly emphasizes survey results, while delves more into the ideas, vision, and mission of the presidential candidates. These findings underscore variations in journalistic objectivity and coverage trends between and in informing the public about the 2024 presidential election.


Online Media, Journalistic Objectivity, Election

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