Perkiraan Masa Tunggu Alumni Mendapatkan Pekerjaan Menggunakan Metode Prediksi Data Mining Dengan Algoritma Naive Bayes Classifier

Asroni Asroni, Nadiyah Maharty Ali, Slamet Riyadi


Student and Alumni data Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is very common, and one of these is the alumni data obtained from work after the completion of undergraduate studies. Former students are given jobs caused or influenced by a range of factors. This research aims to have the grace period Classification or old alumni gain positions by triggering a process of data extraction and using the Bayes naïve classification algorithm. The algorithms used later succeeded in predicting sooner or later to get a job, the predictive results alumni can be used to make decisions to improve the quality of a university. Research on the support system using several parameters, i.e., gender, faculty, GPA, year of graduation, and job status. The data used are as much as 435, including seven years of 2011-2014 volume. The results of this study have the accuracy level of former students having the grace period come to 71% and of the calculated results of the predictions of the former students obtaining a job at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta of the year 2011-2014 the Ensure that the work is carried out more quickly with the status of the slow to deliver the work


Forecasting the grace period getting the job, data mining, Naive Bayes Classifier, RapidMiner

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