The Effect of the Use E-Commerce in the Sales Process on the Interest of Student Entrepreneurs

Septylyta Rahmita Putri, Muhammad Husin Nur Muzakki


This research stems from several issues that occur in the world of the digital economy in the use of e-commerce which is currently developing. In this study, we want to know the effect of using e-commerce in the sales process on interest where the research method is directed to determine cause-and-effect relationships based on observations of the effects that occur and look for factors that cause them through the collected data. N 1 Seyegan. The sample in this study requires 100 student respondents to facilitate data processing. From the results of data processing, it was obtained an analysis that the use of e-commerce media in the growing interest in entrepreneurship at SMA N 1 Seyegan had a positive and significant effect. And seeing the sales process is able to foster interest in entrepreneurship among class XII students at SMA N 1 Seyegan has a positive and significant effect.


E-commerce, Proses Penjualan, Minat Berwirausaha

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