Ovarian Tumors Detection and Classification on Ultrasound Images Using One-stage Convolutional Neural Networks

Van-Hung Le, Thi-Loan Pham


Currently, the advent of CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) has brought very convincing results to computer vision problems. One-stage CNNs are a suitable choice for research and development to have an overview of the current results of the process of detecting and classifying OTUM from ovarian ultrasound images. In this paper, we have performed a comprehensive study on one-stage CNNs for the problem of detecting and classifying OTUM on ovarian ultrasound images. The OTUM datasets we tested were two popular OTUM datasets: OTU and USOVA3D. The one-stage CNNs we tested and evaluated belong to the YOLO (You Only Look Once) family (YOLOv5, YOLOv7, YOLOv8 variations, and YOLO-NAS), and the SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) family (VGG16-SSD, Mb1-SSD, Mb1-SSDLite, Sq-SSD-Lite, and Mb2-SSD-Lite). The results of detecting OTUM (with or without OTUM on ovarian ultrasound images) are high (with Mb1-SSD of Acc = 98.90%, P = 98.58%, R = 98.9% on “USOVA3D 2D f r1 80 20” set; with Mb2-SSD-Lite of Acc = 97.87%, P = 97.16%, R = 97.87% on “USOVA3D 2D f r2 80 20” set). The results of detecting and classifying OTUM into 8 classes are low (the highest is Acc = 92.04%, P = 74.81%, R = 92.04% on the OTU-2D dataset). Regarding computation time, CNNs of the YOLO family have faster computation times than networks of the SSD family. The above results show that the problem of classifying ovarian tumors on ultrasound images still contains many challenges that need to be resolved in the future.


Ovarian Tumor Detection; Ovarian Tumors Classification; One-Stage CNNs; YOLO Family; SSD Family.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jrc.v5i2.20589


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