The Effect of Benzyl Amino Purin and NaphtalenaAcetic Acid Applications on Direct Shoot Organogenesis in Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri B)

Didik Pudji Restanto, Seto Purnomo Aji, Etty Handayani, Tri Ratnasari, Mochammad Wildan Jadmiko, Mohammad Candra Prayoga, Mohammad Nur Khozin, Budi Kriswanto


Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri B.) is a tuberous plant with the potential to be the main source of carbohydrates and is rich in benefits. Porang proliferation is limited by a 6-month dormancy period per year, and generative propagation is unlikely due to the seeds being apomictic triploid. The aimed of my research to analyze the application of BAP and NAA in culture media for direct propagation of porang shoots. The explant used in this research was young leaves. The research was arranged in a completely randomized design with a combination of BAP and NAA hormones added to the MS medium. There were three BAP treatments, namely 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L, and 3.0 mg/L, while NAA treatments consisted of 2 levels, namely 2.0 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L. The addition of 1.0 mg/L BAP combined with 4.0 mg/L NAA was the best treatment that produced seven shoots with an average shoot length of 2.14 cm and root length of 3.6 cm, with the earliest bud emergence (9.7 weeks after planting).


BAP; NAA; Porang; Shoot Organogenesis

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Hormon BAP dengan 3 taraf yaitu 1,0 mg/L, 2,0 mg/L, dan 3,0 mg/L, sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu perlakuan hormon NAA dengan 2 taraf yaitu 2,0 mg/L dan 4,0 mg/L dan kedua faktor dilakukan kombinasi dan diulang 6x pengulangan. Hasil penilitian dapat diketahui bahwa plikasi BAP 2,0 mg/L dengan NAA 4,0 mg/L memberikan jumlah tunas terbanyak yaitu 8 tunas. Sedangkan kombinasi BAP 1,0 mg/L dengan NAA 4,0 mg/L yang menghasilkan 7 tunas dengan rerata panjang tunas 2,14 cm dan panjang akar 3,6 cm, perlakuan tersebut juga memunculkan tunas paling awal yang mempengaruhi propagasi tunas secara proporsional. Penambahan konsentrasi perlakuan maksimal yaitu BAP 3,0 mg/L dengan NAA 4,0 mg/L terjadi penurunan laju pertumbuhan disetiap parameter pengamatan.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Didik Pudji Restanto, Seto Purnomo Aji, Etty Handayani, Tri Ratnasari, Mochammad Wildan Jadmiko, Mohammad Candra Prayoga, Mohammad Nur Khozin, Budi Kriswanto

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