Design and Analysis of IO and FO Controllers to Investigate the Effects of Process Parameter Perturbations on Lag-Dominant Time Delay Systems

Diptee Patil, Sharad Jadhav


This paper focuses on the design, analysis and implementation of Integer-order (IO) and Fractional-order (FO) controllers for systems characterized by lag-dominant time delays. The existing literature has been examined to analyze the methodology employed in tuning IO and FO controllers for first-order time delay system for perturbations in process parameters. It is observed that there is scope to investigate better controllers for lag-dominant time delay systems. The five different structures of controllers are chosen. The paper proposes IO and FO controllers tailored for a test group comprising 16 first-order systems with time delays. These IO and FO controllers are designed to fulfil design specifications: phase margin, peak overshoot, IAE, ITAE and ISE using Modified Bode’s Ideal Loop Transfer Function with delay method. For comparison conventional IO tuning method, Gain-Phase Margin Tester (GPMT) and Fractional Ms Constrained Integral Gain Optimization Method (F-MIGO) is used. The simulation results and performance evaluation for both IO and FO controllers are obtained for a range of values of relative dead time of the system represented by τ. The τ value is obtained by varying conditions of delay (L) and time constant (T). Two scenarios are taken into account: the first involves varying L while keeping T constant, and the second involves keeping L constant while varying T. The main objective of the paper is to analyze IO and FO controllers based on time and frequency domain parameters, performance error indices, disturbance rejection, gain variations, Total Variation (TV) and control efforts for perturbations in process parameters. The simulation results indicate that FO controllers show superior tolerance to perturbations in L and T when compared to IO counterparts. This observation was noted during the analysis of the control system by varying values of L and T to obtain a consistent value of τ . Thus, the extensive simulation studies demonstrate that the FO controller tailored for lag-dominant time delay systems outperforms its IO counterpart in terms of robustness, closed-loop stability and error performance metrics.


First-Order Plus Time Delay System; Perturbations; Time Delay; Time Constant; Robustness; Stability; Error Metrics; Integer-Order Controller; Fractional-Order Controller.

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Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)

P-ISSN: 2715-5056 || E-ISSN: 2715-5072
Organized by Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia
Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia, Indonesia and the Department of Electrical Engineering

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