Safe Experimentation Dynamics Algorithm for Identification of Cupping Suction Based on the Nonlinear Hammerstein Model

Kavindran Suresh, Mohd Riduwan Ghazali, Mohd Ashraf Ahmad


The use of cupping therapy for various health benefits has increased in popularity recently. Potential advantages of cupping therapy include pain reduction, increased circulation, relaxation, and skin health. The increased blood flow makes it easier to supply nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, promoting healing. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this technique greatly depends on the negative pressure's ability to create the desired suction effect on the skin. This research paper suggests a method to detect the cupping suction model by employing the Hammerstein model and utilizing the Safe Experimentation Dynamics (SED) algorithm. The problem is that the cupping suction system experiences pressure leaks and is difficult to control. Although, stabilizing the suction pressure and developing an effective controller requires an accurate model. The research contribution lies in utilizing the SED algorithm to tune the parameters of the Hammerstein model specifically for the cupping suction system and figure out the real system with a continuous-time transfer function. The experimental data collected for cupping therapy exhibited nonlinearity attributed to the complex dynamics of the system, presenting challenges in developing a Hammerstein model. This work used a nonlinear model to study the cupping suction system. Input and output data were collected from the differential pressure sensor for 20 minutes, sampling every 0.1 seconds. The single-agent method SED has limited exploration capabilities for finding optimum value but excels in exploitation. To address this limitation, incorporating initial values leads to improved performance and a better match with the real experimental observations. Experimentation was conducted to find the best model parameters for the desired suction pressure. The therapy can be administered with greater precision and efficacy by accurately identifying the suction pressure. Overall, this research represents a promising development in cupping therapy. In particular, it has been demonstrated that the proposed nonlinear Hammerstein models improve accuracy by 84.34% through the tuning SED algorithm.


Cupping Suction; Identification; Nonlinear Model; Hammerstein Model; Safe Experimentation Dynamics.

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Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)

P-ISSN: 2715-5056 || E-ISSN: 2715-5072
Organized by Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia
Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia, Indonesia and the Department of Electrical Engineering

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