Synergetic Control Design Based Sparrow Search Optimization for Tracking Control of Driven-Pendulum System

Huthaifa Al-Khazraji, Kareem Al-Badri, Rawaa Al-Majeez, Amjad J Humaidi


This study investigates the performance of designing a Synergetic Control (SC) approach for angular position tracking control of driven-pendulum systems. SC is one of the popular nonlinear control techniques that contributed in a variety of control design applications. This research shows a unique application of the SC for angular position tracking control of driven-pendulum systems. Initially, the equations of motion of the system are developed. Subsequently, the control law of the SC is established. For the stability analysis of the closed loop control system, the Lyapunov Function (L.F) is used. To guarantee optimal performance, a Sparrow Search Optimization (SSO) based approach is presented in order to search for the optimum designing parameters of the controller. For performance comparison, the classical Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is introduced. The simulation's outcomes of the study have been confirmed that the proposed control algorithm is addressed the tracking problem of the angular position of the system successfully. Besides, when an external disturbance is inherited in the simulation, the SC exhibits a robustness performance. Moreover, the performance of the SC is slightly similar as SMC. However, the distinct difference in the performance is that the control signal of the SMC exhibits chattering problem, while this phenomenon is absent in the SC. All computer simulations are carried out using MATLAB software.


Nonlinear Control Design; Driven-Pendulum System; Tracking Control Problem; Synergetic Control; Sliding Mode Control; Lyapunov Stability; Sparrow Search Optimization.

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Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)

P-ISSN: 2715-5056 || E-ISSN: 2715-5072
Organized by Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia
Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia, Indonesia and the Department of Electrical Engineering

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