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Issue Title
Vol 13, No 1: March 2022 The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on the Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Rahmiatul Aula, Sumiyati Sumiyati, Muhammad Umar Mai
Vol 9, No 2: September 2018 The Effect Of Corporate Social Responsibility On Word Of Mouth With Trust And Corporate Reputation As Intervening Variable Abstract   PDF
Alif Supriyatno
Vol 13, No 2: September 2022 The Effect of DER, Firm Size, and CR on PBV with ROE as an Intervening Variable Abstract   PDF
Titin Hestri Pustika, Dedi Hariyanto, Heni Safitri
Vol 11, No 2: September 2020 The Effect of Marketing Mix on Purchase Decisions Abstract   PDF
Ani Nor Widyastuti, Pujiharto Pujiharto, Naelati Tubastuvi, Suryo Budi Santoso
Vol 14, No 2: September 2023 The Effect of Operational Risks for Digital Banking Services at Banks Abstract   PDF
Rio Dhani Laksana, Intan Shaferi, Humaira Naznii
Vol 12, No 2: September 2021 The Effect of Organizational Culture and Readiness to Change on Organizational Entrepreneurship: The Role of Competence Abstract   PDF
Dyah Pikanthi Diwanti, Suryanto Suryanto, Sri Iswati, Tri Siwi Agustina, Hari Basuki Notobroto
Vol 11, No 2: September 2020 The Effect of Relationship Marketing and Service Quality Towards Customer Loyalty of PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Sumatera Selatan Abstract   PDF
Marzuki Marzuki, Zakaria Wahab, Marlina Widiyanti, Muchsin Saggaff Sihab
Budiyono Budiyono, Suryo Budi Santoso
Vol 11, No 1: March 2020 The Effects of Family Issues and Supervisor Support on Work Satisfaction and Work Innovation: A Driver Intention to Remain? Abstract   PDF
Fitri Wulandari
Vol 11, No 2: September 2020 The Impact of Marketing Expenditure on Firm Performance Abstract   PDF
Totok Haryanto, Maharani Retnaningrum
Vol 13, No 1: March 2022 The Impact of Organizational Socialization and Career Development on Intention to Change Work in Public Companies in Pakistan Abstract   PDF
Singgih Purnomo, Indah Wahyu Utami, Atif Ali Gill
Vol 12, No 1: March 2021 The Indirect Impact of Busy Directors on the Relationship of Family Structure and Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash (Empirical Research in Indonesia’s Manufacturing Sector 2013-2017) Abstract   PDF
Wahyu Santoso, Cynthia Afriani Utama
Vol 13, No 1: March 2022 The Influence of Brand Loyalty on Customers’ Repurchase Decisions of Green Beauty Product Abstract   PDF
Eristia Lidia Paramita, Ika Aprilia Saputri
Vol 8, No 2: September 2017 The Influence Of Experiential Marketing On Customer Loyaltythrough Customer Satisfaction As Intervening Variable Abstract   PDF
Retno Widowati, Fitria Tsabita
Vol 11, No 2: September 2020 The Influence of Instructional Leadership on Professional Competence Mediated by Self-Efficacy and Social Capital Abstract   PDF
Reni Herawati, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono
Vol 11, No 2: September 2020 The Influence of Personality Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention Abstract   PDF
Isnanda Zainur Rohman, Miswanto Miswanto
Vol 11, No 1: March 2020 The Influence of Transactional Leadership on Organization Innovativeness (OI) Mediated by Organizational Learning Capability (OLC) in Medium Small Enterprise Kendari City Abstract   PDF
Agniya Thahira, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono, Susanto Susanto
Vol 7, No 2: September 2016 The Influence Of Work-Family Conflict To Organizational Commitment Mediated By Job Satisfaction (Study On Female Lecturer In Muhammadiyah University Of Yogyakarta) Abstract   PDF
Rizki Apriani, Ika Nurul Qamari
Vol 12, No 2: September 2021 The influence Quality of information, Sistem Quality and Service Quality on Satisfaction and User Performace Abstract   PDF
Heni Nur Isnaeningsih, Azmi Fitriati, Pujiharto Pujiharto, Herni Justiana Astuti
Vol 15, No 1: March 2024 The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices and Turnover Intention Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Hanifa, Bambang Widagdo, Aniek Rumijati
Vol 12, No 2: September 2021 The Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Effect of Passion and Empowerment on Job Performance Abstract   PDF
Prima Rizka Amalia, Sri Handari Wahyuningsih, Arni Surwanti
Vol 11, No 1: March 2020 The Motives of Sudanese Tourists to Choose Bandung as A Tourism Destination Abstract   PDF
Hussein Gibreel Musa, Ika Nurul Qamari
Vol 12, No 1: March 2021 The Phenomenon of Dividend Announcement on Stock Abnormal Return (Case in ASEAN Countries) Abstract   PDF
Ikka Tiaraintan Hariyanto, Werner Ria Murhadi
Vol 1, No 2: September 2011 The Relationship Between Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, and Brand Loyalty: A Study of Indonesian Consumers Abstract   PDF
Retno Widowati Purnama Asri
Vol 14, No 1: March 2023 The Role of Active Social Loafing and Psychological Encouragement in Human Capital Development Abstract   PDF
Daryono Daryono, Christopher Foertsch
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