AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research
Since January 2023, AGRARIS moved to the new website. Please visit this page to make submission in this journal.
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research is a periodical scientific journal and devote to publish original research articles on agribusiness, agricultural economics, and rural development. AGRARIS is published biannually (January–June, and July–December) by the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with Agribusiness Association of Indonesia (AAI).
AGRARIS is indexed by Scopus, Science Technology Index (SINTA 1), Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA), Google Schoolar, Crossref and Dimensions
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)
Dear JRC authors, editors, and reviewers,
Starting from 22 December 2024 until 31 December 2024, the journal will be upgraded to Open Journal Systems (OJS) 3. Please don't do any activity (submit, review, send revision, send email, and publish) on the journal website until the upgrading process is finished. All of the activity will not be recorded in this period. Thank you.
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) p-ISSN: 2715-5056, e-ISSN: 2715-5072 is an international peer-review open-access journal published bi-monthly, six times a year by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia. The Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) invites scientists and engineers worldwide to exchange and disseminate theoretical and practice-oriented topics of development and advances in robotics and control within the whole spectrum of robotics and control. Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) has been indexed by SCOPUS and is available in SCIMAGO.
Journal title | Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) |
Abbreviation | JRC |
Frequency | 6 issues per year |
Type of Review | Double Blind Review |
Print ISSN | 2715-5056 |
Online ISSN | 2715-5072 |
Editor | See Editor |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, in collaboration with Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) |
Organizer | Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia (PTTI) |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Scopus | Dimensions | Scimago | Web of Science |
Abstracting & Indexing | EBSCO |
Digital Marketing | Direct Email | Youtube Channel | Instagram | Twitter |
Time to First Decision | Review Time | Publication Time |
2 Weeks | 4 weeks | 2 Weeks |
4.7 2022CiteScore 66th percentile Powered by |
Jurnal Media Hukum
JMH has recruited internationally known reviewers and editors and provided a digital object identifier (DOI) and DOAJ to make the journal more accessible to readers. Articles published in this journal have been examined by scientists from five continents (Asia, Australia, Europe, America, and Africa). Since the first issue, this journal has been (co)authored by scholars from 15 countries: Nigeria, Spain, Malaysia, Netherlands, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Germany, Korea, Taiwan, Azerbaijan, Australia, Tanzania, United Kingdom and Qatar. JMH has been accredited by the Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia since 2005 to present.
JMH accepts and publishes articles in English version.
All submission must be made through the JMH OJS system. We accept absolutely NO submissions via email.
There is no LoA made by the Editor. LoA is issued solaly in the form an accepted paper notification.
Journal Name | : | Jurnal Media Hukum Jalan Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia |
Journal Name | : | PLANTA TROPIKA |
*update September 24th, 2024
1. The issues and published articles
Until the end of August 2024, Planta Tropika has published 24 issues (see: archives). Our journal has been online since 2018, and we have consistently maintained the trust of the academic community by maintaining a balance between the quantity and quality of articles. This applies to both those who are interested in submitting articles and those who are reading them. Our editors also encourage ethical communication with authors and reviewers to guarantee that each accepted paper makes a scientific contribution to international audiences or, at the very least, provides practical benefits to society.
2. The authors
Since this journal was launched online in 2018, we start to receive a good reception from international authors. Our editors professionally promote PLANTATROPIKA to their colleagues thereby attracting international interest. PLANTA TROPIKA has been collaborate with more than 460 authors globally to publish their excellent works. Our journal policy that encourages international collaboration enhances relations between researchers to share research experiences and improves the quality of articles. Up to Volume 12 Number 2 (2024), author diversity of our journal includes:
Asia (Indonesia, Japan); Africa (Nigeria, Congo); Europe (Belgium); and America (United States).
Asia | : | Indonesia, Japan |
3. Citation
Of the 199 articles published in 24 issues, 110 articles have been cited by 233 articles from 79 journals, and 4 proceedings indexed in Scopus. Most of them have been known as highly reputable journals, which have become scientific references for world researchers, including 22 Quartile 1 journals: Agronomy, Agronomy Journal, Aquaculure. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, Crop Protection, Food Control, Foods, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management, Heliyon, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Insects, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, LWT, Microbiological Research, Scientia Horticulturae, Social Sciences and Humanities Open, and Sustainability; 15 Quartile 2 journals: Biodiversitas, Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, HortScience, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, Journal of Food Process Engineering, Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, Journal of Plant Interactions, Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids, Open Agriculture, Phytoparasitica, Progress in Nutrition, Sains Malaysiana, Soil and Water Research; 27 Quartile 3 journals: Agriculture (Pol'nohospodarstvo), Agrivita, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, Australian Journal of Crop Science, Biofuels, Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science, Czech Journal of Food Sciences, Evergreen, International Food Research Journal, International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics, Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, Journal of Agricultural Sciences - Sri Lanka, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management, Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, Journal of Tropical Plant Pests and Diseases, Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner, Legume Research, Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Research on Crops, Sabrao Journal of Breeding and Genetics, Sains Tanah, Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems; 11 Quartile 4 journals: Acta Horticulturae, Agricultural Science Digest, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, Biosaintifika, Bioscience Journal, CommIT Journal, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, International Journal of Public Health Science, International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, and Malaysian Journal of Chemistry. 4 Not yet assign quartile journal: Advances in Environmental Research, Food Science and Technology (Brazil), International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences.
For detailed information regarding citations on Scopus please click here, and on Google Scholar please click here.
Additionally, this journal includes all research documentation and reports on technology applications in society and industry from a variety of technology readiness levels (TRL). Nevertheless, we prioritize research that helps to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in accordance with our publishing mission.
PLANTA TROPIKA in number presents data rejection rate, visitors to journals, citations per article from Google Scholar and trend of Cite Score. We display the journal's performance data to provide transparency to our stakeholders.
1. We invite authors to submit manuscripts to our journal through official announcements on the journal's website, communication through associations, and personal communication with authors who have expertise in accordance with the objectives and scope of our journal.
2. We do not offer fast publication, fast reviews, or acceptance guarantees.
3. We also do not aggressively or recklessly invite anyone to submit articles to our journal.
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
Journal Title | Jurnal Hubungan Internasional |
ISSN | 2503-3883 (online) | 1829-5088 (print) |
DOI Prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Arie Kusuma Paksi |
Publisher | Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, collaborates with Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII), and The American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS). |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
Citation Analysis | Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda |
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, collaborates with Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII), and American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS).
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional is accredited SINTA 2 by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of Indonesia, according to Decree (SK) No 72/E/KPT/2024. This Journal has been assigned with DOI from Crossref and indexed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
The journal particularly welcomes manuscripts that provide novelty, significant contribution, and critical point of view, based on empirical work. It does not represent any particular stream but aims to publish high-quality articles that offer ideas, frameworks, analysis, and highlight Indonesia and its role in global politics as the main subject, along with an expectation that they will be all accessible to readers accross the politics and social sciences. The journal welcomes both novice and expert authors.
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan (JESP) is an English peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Association of Economics Department of Muhammadiyah Higher Education (APSEP PTM). Since its first issued in January 2000, JESP has been publishing scientific articles consistently research articles. JESP is accredited grade 2 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia, Decree (SK) No. 158/E/KPT/2021.
JESP publishes the new editions every April and October. JESP has published both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions. ISSN 2541-5506 (Online) and 1411-9900 (Print).
Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan (JESP) focuses on research papers relating to development economics and multidisciplinary concern to systemic problems in developing countries particularly using quantitative or theoretical work in which novelty is essential. JESP does not publish manuscripts in critical review and book review. Nevertheless, we accept in-depth studies of specific cases, events, or regions that are likely to bring more benefits on developing economics. JESP is indexed by:
- Science and Technology Index (SINTA 2)
- Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ)
- Google Scholar
- Indonesia One Search
- Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda)
- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
- Dimensions
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
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Journal of Accounting and Investment
Journal of Accounting and Investment or JAI (previously known as Jurnal Akuntansi dan Investasi from January 2000 to June 2018) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with The Association of Accounting Department of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Institutions (APSA PTM), The Forum of Economics and Business Journal Managers of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions (FORJAFEB PTMA), and the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountant. ISSN: 2622-3899 (print) and 2622-6413 (online). International ISSN could be checked here ( JAI publishes the new editions every January, May, and September.
JAI is dedicated to the publication of academic work in all aspects relevant to the development of theory and practice of accounting and investment in both the public and private sectors. The focus of JAI covers all accounting and investments related studies (see for detail). JAI intends to highlight the practical implications in promoting better decision-making processes within an organization or by an individual. JAI publishes theoretical, conceptual, and empirical (research) papers conducted with various research approaches, namely quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method, and critical.
JAI is accredited in SINTA (Science and Technology Index) at grade 2 by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Republic of Indonesia (Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia), Decree (SK) No. 21/E/KPT/2018 valid from vol 17 no 1 (2016) to vol 21 no 2 2020 and Decree (SK) No. 36/E/KPT/2019 valid from vol 19 no 1 (2018) to vol 23 no 2 (2022).
JAI Acceptance Rates during the last five years (the percentage is calculated based on total submissions):
2017 (31%)
2018 (36%)
2019 (21%)
2020 (31%)
2021 (30%) (See detail), updated 29 January 2022
Kindly please make sure that your article is written properly before submitting it to JAI. Articles not complying with JAI author guidelines and template for submission mostly probably be rejected in the first step of the review process.
IMPORTANT: Article submission is organized through the Open Journal System (OJS). Please read the following guidance according to your role:
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies
Journal title | Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies |
Journal initials | Afkaruna |
ISSN | 2599-0586 (online) | 2599-0551 (print) |
DOI prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigdo |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Frequency | bianually (June and December) |
Citation analysis | Scopus | Sinta | Google Scholar | Dimensions |
Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies is published by the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Afkaruna aims to promote excellent articles on Islam that present original findings, new ideas or concepts that result from contemporary research projects in Islamic studies (with an emphasis on Islamic reform movements and thoughts), area studies (especially Southeast Asia), social sciences, and humanities. Afkaruna publish bianually (June and December). As a peer-reviewed Indonesian journal, the journal welcomes scholarly works on Islam written in English.
Afkaruna is accredited SINTA 2 under the Ministry of Research and Higher Education Decree No. 36/E/KPT/2019. To ensure the quality, each published article is assigned with a DOI number.
Before submitting a manuscript, the author must ensure that the paper followed Afkaruna Template for Submission. Besides, appropriate proofreading and polishing are necessary, conformed to the Afkaruna Author Guidlines. Finally, the author must also attach Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) and Statement of Originality form in the supplementary file in a new submission.
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Journal of Governance and Public Policy
Journal Title | Journal of Governance and Public Policy |
Publishing Frequency | 3 issues per year (February, June, and October) |
ISSN | 2549-7669 (online); 2355-8695 (print); registered in the ISSN International Centre |
DOI Prefix | 10.18196/jgpp by |
Citation Analysis | Dimensions; Google Scholar |
Indexing | DOAJ - more |
National Accreditation | SINTA 2 |
Editor-in-Chief | Ridho Al-Hamdi |
Publisher | Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan
Journal Title | Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan |
ISSN | 2614-0101 (online) |1411-8033 (print) |
DOI Prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih |
Publisher | Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Association of Medicine and Health Education of Muhammadiyah (Asosiasi Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Muhammadiyah-APKKM) |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan or also known as MMJKK is peer reviewed journal published by Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Association of Medicine and Health Education of Muhammadiyah (Asosiasi Pendidikan Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Muhammadiyah-APKKM). MMJKK is accredited grade 3 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia Decree (SK) No. 200/M/KPT/2020.
Since the first issued in January 2001, MMJKK is publishing scientific articles consistently, both research and case report. MMJKK publishes the new editions every January and July. By January 2016, MMJKK has published both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions. Electronic articles are accessible openly on the web page. MMJKK is indexed by SINTA (Science and Technology Index) Grade 3, Google Scholar, Base, Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital), and Crossref. MMJKK focuses on all aspects of human health (but not limited):
- Biomedical Sciences
- Clinical Medicine
- Public Health Sciences
- Islamic Medicine
- Medical Education
IMPORTANT: Before you submit a manuscript, make sure that your paper is prepared using MMJKK template (research article and case report), has been proofread and polished carefully, and conformed to the MMJKK AUTHOR GUIDELINES.
Online Submissions
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- If you are new comers and need a Username/Password? GO TO REGISTRATION
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Subscription or order hardcopy Mutiara Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan click here
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis is an English peer-reviewed journal published twice a year in March and September by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in Collaboration with the Association of Management Department of Muhammadiyah Universities (APSMA PTM). Since its inaugural publication in March 2010, the Journal of Management Business has been aimed at facilitating a better comprehension of research-based management business sciences among academicians and study analysts, thereby giving a positive contribution and influence on the world of management business sciences. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, accredited Rank 2 from RISTEKDIKTI, Decree No.158/E/KPT/2021 valid from Vol 11 No. 2 (2020) until Vol 16 No. 1 (2025).
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis invites study analysts, academicians, and practitioners of business and management to submit research-based manuscripts on various themes, topics, and aspects of management and business, including:
- Marketing Management
- Financial and Banking Management
- Human Resources Management
- Operation Management & Management of Information System
- Entrepreneurship
Semesta Teknika
- Science and Technology Index (SINTA 3)
- Indonesia Publication Index (Portal Garuda)
- World Cat
- GARUDA (Garba Rujukan Digital)
- Crossreff (DOI)
- Dimensions
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Journal of Islamic World and Politics
Journal Title | Journal of Islamic World and Politics |
ISSN | 2655 - 1330 (online) |2614 - 0535 (print) |
DOI Prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Ahmad Sahide |
Publisher | Prodi. Magister Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, collaborates with Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII) |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
Citation Analysis |
Journal of Islamic World and Politics is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by Master of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, collaborates with Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia (AIHII). Journal of Islamic World and Politics is accredited by Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation (200/M/KPT/2020). This Journal has been assigned with DOI from Crossref, Science and Technology Index (SINTA 3).
Journal of Islamic World and Politics aims to facilitate the deployment of ideas and research in the field of international relations and Islamic world. The scope of JIWP consist of:
- International political economy;
- Diplomacy and foreign policy;
- Global governance;
- Democracy and Cultural Studies
- Globalization and global civil society;
- Regional and international security; or
- The other topic which is relevant with international studies and Islamic World.
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices)
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) is an international scientific journal of nursing that published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) is published semi-annual (June and December) since 2014. This journal before named Muhammadiyah Journal of Nursing with ISSN print 2356-1114. Then, since 2016, this journal changed to IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) with ISSN online 2548-592X and ISSN print 2548-4249. As a peer-reviewed scientific journal, it welcomes any papers of research about nursing practices written in English. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) continues to be consistent in publishing scientific articles, both research and reviewed articles. IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) publishes both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions. Electronic articles are accessible openly on the web page:
IJNP (Indonesian Journal of Nursing Practices) has indexed by DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal) and accredited by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (No.204/E/KPT/2022) with SINTA score 2.
Citedness in Scopus, HERE
Jati: Jurnal Akuntansi Terapan Indonesia
Jati: Jurnal Akuntansi Terapan Indonesia or JATI is a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Association of Accounting Department of Muhammadiyah Higher Education (APSA PTM) and the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountant. ISSN: 2615-157X (Print) and 2615-0689 (Online). JATI publishes articles that specifically related to a case study in Accounting. JATI publishing articles bianually is every March and October. Articles submitted to JATI are going to be reviewed by competence editor and reviewer. JATI is Accredited Grade 2 (SINTA 2) by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education No 225/E/KPT/2022.
Jati: Jurnal Akuntansi Terapan Indonesia focuses on the research and research review related to accounting that is conducted using a case study approach. JATI focuses related on various themes, topics and aspects of accounting and investment, including to the following topics:
- Financial Reporting
- Public Sector Accounting
- Cost and Management Accounting
- Sharia Accounting and Financial Management (Including BMT and Islamic Cooperative)
- Auditing
- Good Corporate Governance
- Financial Management
- Taxation
- Accounting for Banking
- Accounting Information Systems
- Accounting for SMEs, village-owned enterprise (BUMDEs), etc
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JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi
Journal Title | JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi |
ISSN | 2622-0733 (online) | 2085-7721 (print) |
DOI Prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Nuryakin |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Frequency | 3 issues per year |
Citation Analysis |
JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi is a periodical scientific journal (three times a year) April, August, and December. The main purpose of this journal is to disseminate scientific articles in the field of business, which have a theoretical and implementation foundation. In this regard, articles published must be related to the science of business management and financial accounting, especially those related to business practices. The editor accepts scientific articles that have not been published, both in Indonesian and English. ISSN: 2085-7721 (Print) and ISSN: 2622-0733 (Online). JBTI is accredited grade 2 by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia, Decree (SK) 79/E/KPT/2023. JBTI indexed by SINTA, Google Scholar, GARUDA, BASE, Crossref.
Journal of Japanese Language Education and Linguistics
Journal of Japanese Language Education and Linguistics (JJLEL) is an online journal, open access peer review journal, published twice a year every February and August. This journal is for all contributors who are concerned with research related to the study of Japanese language education and Japanese Linguistics
Articles published in JJLEL can be written in bahasa Indonesia with abstract should be written in bahasa Indonesia and English. JJLEL is a forum for publishing original research articles, paper-based articles and Linguistic reviews that have never been published before. All texts are reviewed by at least one competent reviewer in the related field.
Objectives and Scope
JJLEL is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Japanese Language Education Program Faculty of Language Education Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta.
JJLEL focuses mainly on the areas of the field below:
- Japanese Language Teaching Methodology
- Japanese Material Design
- Japanese Language Teacher Education and Professional Development
- Innovation / New Technology in Japanese Language Teaching
- Japanese Linguistics Theory
JJLEL is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available at no cost with the use of his / her agency. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of the article, or use it for other legitimate purposes. Print ISSN 2597-5277, Online ISSN 2615-0840. Journal of Japanese Language Education and Linguistics is indexed by:
Insisiva Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva
Insisiva Dental Journal : Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva (IDJ) is peer reviewed journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Since the first issued in May 2012, IDJ is publishing scientific articles consistently, both research, and case report. IDJ publishes the new editions every May and November. Besides, IDJ has collaborated with the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI). By November 2018, IDJ has published both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions. Electronic articles are accessible openly on the web page: IDJ is indexed by Google Scholar and Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital).
Insisiva Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva (IDJ) is accredited in SINTA (Science and Technology Index) at grade 3 by the Ministry of Research and Technology of Republic of Indonesia
Journal Name | : | Insisiva Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Insisiva Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
IMPORTANT: Before you submit a manuscript, make sure that your paper is prepared using Insisiva Dental Journal's TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION, has been proofread and polished carefully, and conformed to the Insisiva Dental Journal's AUTHOR GUIDELINES.
Online Submissions
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Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks
Dear, Readers and Writers of BERDIKARI Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks
Starts from 22 December 2024 - 31 December 2024, our web journal is in maintenance mode, so we cannot handle the submission and other journal activities for a while. If you want to submit, please send the manuscript to our email ( We are sorry for this inconvenience. Thank you.
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks is a community service journal published by the Institute for Research, Publication, and Community Service (LP3M) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Community Empowerment Council (MPM) of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, and the Association of Community Service Journals (AJPKM)..
Based on the Decree of the Director General for Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, No. 200/M/KPT/2020, BERDIKARI is currently - accredited as Rank 4.
The focus of the BERDIKARI is on the competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES), cooperation between village governments, the capacity of women's organizations, creativity and educational information technology and learning in schools and universities, social institutions in the community, disaster management, litigation for resolving disputes in the community, productivity of the food processing industry, public health and hospital management, and digitalization of Islamic teachings.
BERDIKARI aims to encourage the growth and development of government policy practice, the application of appropriate technology, information technology innovation, as well as models of community empowerment within the framework of a human development ecosystem and a flora-fauna environment in line with sustainable development goals (SDGs) issues.
Journal Name Article Language | : : | Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks UMY, Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183 Indonesian and English |
International Journal of Islamic Educational Psychology
The International Journal of Islamic Educational Psychology (IJIEP) is an open-access journal that publishes research and scholarly reports in the field of Islamic educational psychology. IJIEP is published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Islamic Educational Psychology Scholars Association (IEPSA). |
Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences
Journal Title | Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences |
ISSN | 2723-5327 (online) | 2723-5319 (print) |
DOI Prefix | Prefix 10.18196 by |
Editor in Chief | Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani (Scopus ID: 57223624266) |
Publisher | Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
Journal of Economics Research and Social Sciences is a scientific journal managed by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. This journal contains research conducted by students and collaborating with lecturers in the field of development economics.
The discussion in this journal includes:
- Monetary Economics;
- Fiscal;
- Tourism;
- Natural resources;
- Human Resources;
- Finance;
- Public;
- and others within the scope of development economics studies.
Maharaat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Maharaat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is an open access peer-reviewed journal published by Study Program of Arabic Education, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The journal is published twice a year every April and October. It is released in both the electronical version (E-ISSN 2623-2073), and printed version (P-ISSN 2622-9501). It focuses on the theme related to Arabic education, linguistics, and Arabic literature.
The journal invites the researchers to submit the manuscripts contain the empirical research or theoretical research which have the same field and scope as mentioned above. It is important to note that the manuscript should be original and it is expected not to be published nor under review on elsewhere.
Maharaat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is an open access journal and it means that the users or readers have the permission to take the contents/articles without any charge. The contents or articles are provided for those who need some materials about Arabic language learning.
Maharaat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is indexed by:
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital)
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JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur)
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. ISSN ISSN (print): 2580-3271 and ISSN (online): 2656-5897. JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) publishes the new editions every June and December. By June 2017, JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) had published both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions. Electronic articles are accessible openly on the web page:
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) focuses on research and review in the field of engineering materials and manufacturing processes. The journal covers various themes, namely
- Engineering Designs
- Process Optimization
- Process Problem Solving
- Manufacturing Processes
- Automation Processes
- Advanced Materials
- Solid and Fluid Mechanics
- Energy Harvesting
- Renewable Energy
JMPM is accredited in SINTA (Science and Technology Index) at grade 3 by the Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia), Decree (SK) No. 79/E/KPT/2023, valid from Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022) until Vol. 10 No. 2 (2026).
Submitting to the journal
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) uses an online submission and peer review platform, which allows authors to track the progress of their manuscripts and enables shorter processing times. Only submissions made through this platform are accepted, with submitting authors required to create a JMPM account. For more information on our submission system, please refer to the Submission Guidelines.
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY (JET-UMY) is an open access peer-reviewed journal published by Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in collaboration with FORTEI (Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia) that publishes original theoretical and applied papers on all aspects of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering. The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:
Power devices, energy conversion, mathematical modelling, electrical machines, instrumentations and measurements, power electronics and its applications (power electronics applications for home, aerospace, automotive, lighting systems and so on), telecommunication system, signal processing, control system, electronics system, computer system, diagnostics, reliability, dependability safety and electromagnetic compatibility, power generation, transmission, and distribution, power system planning and control, network harmonics, power quality, optimization techniques, fault location and analysis, distributed generation, co-generation, renewable energy sources, energy management systems, applications of expert systems, electric and hybrid vehicles, vehicular technology, magnetic fields, theory and modelling of magnetic materials, nanotechnology, plasma engineering, sensors and actuators, electrical circuits, teaching and continuous education, and another related topics.
Journal of Electrical Technology UMY (JET UMY) is an open access journal and it means that the users or readers have the permission to take the contents/articles without any charge. The contents or articles are provided for those who need some materials about electrical engineering for free.
published sixmonthly, appearing on June and December since 2020 (published threemonthly, appearing on the last day of March, June, September, December until December 2019).
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (English Education Department of UMY)
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning is published by English Language Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The journal edition is released on January and July. It is available in the electronical version (e ISSN: 2580-2070), and printed version (p ISSN: 2527-7650). Articles that have not been published are invited. The Editor in Chief, Associate Editors and Reviewers will review the articles and they can make changes the format without changing the contents of articles.
Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (JFLTL) is an open access journal and it means that the users or readers have the permission to take the contents/articles without any charge. The contents or articles are provided for those who need some materials about English teaching and learning for free. This journal is indexed by:
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK)
JPK is registered with E-ISSN number 2720-9393 (media online). This journal is published three times a year: April, August, and December by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Every submitted manuscript will be read by the editorial team. Manuscripts that are evaluated by editors and deemed not in accordance with the criteria of the journal will be rejected without external review. Then, a manuscript that has a special interest to readers is sent to peer reviewers, with two (2) different reviewers for each article by using the double-blind system. After reviewing the manuscript, it will be returned to the author for the revision process. Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK) is a leading, peer-reviewed, open-access journal on government issues and government policies. This journal provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners of government politics to analyze, and disseminate various problems based on government, government policies, government processes, and politics
JPK has been ranked 4 at SINTA (Science and Technology Index) by the Director-General of Strengthening Research and Development, Ministry of Research Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Decree Number 177/E/KPT/2024. We apply a high-quality standard review process as the principal quality assurance instrument of our journal. All the articles published by JPK are assigned with DOI numbers.
JPK collaboration with the Indonesian Government Science Lecturer Association (ADIPSI):, Association of Sciences Muhammadiyah Higher Education Administration (AIPPTM): and Jusuf Kalla School of Government /JKSG (
Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial office of Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK) should be the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format.
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Jurnal Pemerintahan dan Kebijakan (JPK) Indexing by:
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan
- Automotive Research
- Research in The Field of Energy Conversion
- Materials Engineering
- Design and Manufacture
- Science and Technology Index (SINTA 4)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Google Scholar Profile, Google Scholar Index
- Garba Rujukan Digital (Garuda)
- Crossref (DOI)
- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
- WorldCat
- Dimensions
- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD)
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Medika Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Elektromedik Indonesia
Medika Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Elektromedik Indonesia or Medika Teknika is a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. ISSN 2716-0505 (online), 2722-0508 (print). Medika Teknika publishing articles bianually is every April and October. It emphasizes on issues in the field of engineering, especially the electromedical engineering and other related topics.
Medika Teknika focusing on papers and manuscripts of this following topics :
- Electromedical Engineering
- Healthcare IoT Devices
- Healthcare Control System Engineering
- Telemedicine Healthcare
- Healthcare Electronic Devices
- Biomedical Engineering
- Life Support and Life Saving
- Diagnostics
- Radiology
- Medical Signal Processing
- Medical Image Processing
- Medical Information Systems
- Computer Science in Healthcare and Medicine
- Deep Learning in Health and Medicine
- Machine Learning in Health and Medicine
- Information Technology in Health and Medicine
- Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine
- Internet of Things in Health and Medicine
- Biomedical Informatics Technology
- Mobile Applications in Health and Medicine
- Embedded Systems in Health and Medicine
- Wireless Communication in Health and Medicine
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International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF)
The International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (IJIEF) is published biannually in January and July. The International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance was founded by the International Program for Islamic Economics and Finance (IPIEF). Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is the publisher of this journal. The journal is peer-reviewed and published using the Open Journal System (OJS). IJIEF publishes exclusively in electronic (PDF) format. Open access to the electronic publication is available at ISSN: 2622-4372 (online) ISSN: 2622-3562 Printed
Emerging Information Science and Technology
EIST is an Open Access Journal to advance sharing science and technology. People have rights to read, download, copy, distribute, print and use with proper acknowledgment and citation. There is no publication fees for authors.
Publication frequency: May and November
Online Submissions
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- If you don't have a Username/Password yet? GO TO REGISTRATION
- Please use this template to prepare your manuscript. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE
Indonesian Comparative Law Review
Journal Name | : | Indonesian Comparative Law Review UMY, Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183 |
Reviu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Indonesia
Reviu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Indonesia merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Akuntansi bekerjasama dengan Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia-Kompartemen Akuntan Pendidik (IAI-KAPD) dan Asosiasi Program Studi Akuntansi Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah (APSA PTM). Tahun 2020, Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Indonesia telah memperoleh izin terbit secara online (ISSN: 2716-4977) dan cetak (ISSN: 2721-2238) dari Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. Kemudian di tahun 2021, jurnal ini telah terakreditasi Peringkat 3 dari Menteri Riset dan Teknologi (SK.Nomor 200/M/KPT/2020). Jurnal ini menitikberatkan pada penyampaian hasil penelitian ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa, Dosen dan Guru di bidang Akuntansi dan Bisnis yang mencakup:
- Akuntansi Keuangan
- Akuntansi Manajemen
- Audit
- Perpajakan
- Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
- Manajemen Keuangan
- Akuntansi dan Keuangan Syariah
- Komprehensif Isu dalam Akuntansi
- Pendidikan Akuntansi
- Pendidikan Bisnis
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science (P-ISSN: 27237648; E-ISSN: 2723763X) is a peer-review journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Journal of Fundamental and Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JFAPS) publishes scientific articles consistently, both research and case reports. JFAPS publishes new editions every February and August. JFAPS is accredited grade 4 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia Decree (SK) No. 204/E/KPT/2022.
JFAPS focuses on all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences such as:
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Drug Discovery
- Traditional Medicine and Medicinal Herb
- Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology
IMPORTANT: Before you submit a manuscript, make sure that your paper is prepared using JFAPS TEMPLATE FOR SUBMISSION, has been proofread and polished carefully, and conformed to the JFAPS AUTHOR GUIDELINES.
Online Submissions
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- If you are a newcomer and need a Username/Password? GO TO REGISTRATION
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan is a scientific journal managed by Master of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. JPHK publishes scientific articles that examine law enforcement issues and the achievement of justice. This journal has been indexed in Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA), DOAJ, SINTA (3) , Crossref, Google scholar, and Dimensions.
Journal Name | : | Jurnal Penegakan Hukum dan Keadilan 2nd Floor of Postgraduate Building, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Jl. Brawijaya Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul, D.I.Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55183 |
Indexing of JPHK
Media of Law and Sharia
Journal of Media of Law and Sharia is a legal journal published by the Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The purpose of this journal is to serve as a forum for the actualization of opinions, research results, scientific articles by law scholars, academics, researchers, and legal practitioners that are publicly disseminated for the advancement and development science of law. The journal is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December. The scope of the articles published covers all aspects of positive law, including sharia law.
Starting from Volume 4, Issue 2 (2023), MLS use a NEW WEBSITE for publication process. Please use this link for our new website
Journal Name
Languages | :
: | Media of Law and Sharia E5 building,2nd floor, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Jln. Brawijaya Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul DIY. 55183 Bilingual (Indonesian and English) |
Indexing of MLS
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Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (IJCLC)
The Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (IJCLC) is a periodical scientific journal with the Open Journal System (OJS) for management publication. IJCLC was published by the Center for the Study of Criminal Law and Criminology, Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
IJCLC has a vision to become a leading scientific journal in the development of Criminal Law, Criminology and Victimology. IJCLC receive manuscripts of reports on empirical research results and manuscripts on theoretical studies that are in accordance with IJCLC's vision.
Journal Name Languages | : : | Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (IJCLC) E5 Building 2nd floor, UMY, Jl.Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta 55183 Bilingual (Indonesian and English) |
Bulletin of Civil Engineering
Bulletin of Civil Engineering (BCE) is an open access journal of civil engineering. (E-ISSN: 2775-6351, P-ISSN: 2797-1104). This journal publishes original papers on interdisciplinary theoretical and practical research related to the broad spectrum of civil engineering, encompassing all related sub-topics. The journal provides a forum for the international civil engineering community to present and discuss matters of major interest, including new developments in civil regulations. Coverage includes Structures; Geotechnics; Transportation; Environment; Earthquakes; Water Resources; Hydraulic and Hydraulic Structures; Construction Management and Materials. BCE has been indexed and listed in:
1. Garuda
2. Crossref
3. Google Scholar
4. Google Scholar Profile
5. Dimensions